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Monday, February 17, 2025

The Aristotle of Our Times Strikes Again!


“When we think about these moments where we see things that are being taken, but also let’s see it, you know, nature abhors a vacuum,” she told the performers.

“Where there’s a vacancy, let’s fill it. Let us know that the reality is that the progress of our nation has been about the expansion of rights, not the restriction of rights.”


As she spoke in K turns, her disheveled hair fell into her face. And with every inane declaration, her eyes bulged like ET and her chin receded into her head. It’s the face one makes when they’ve been studying the complete works of Kendall Jackson.

“We have to be clear-eyed. And it doesn’t mean we don’t see the beauty in everything. These things all co-exist, but I believe we fight for something, not against something,” she continued.

And to think, in an alternative brat universe, this would be our president.

 Dems don’t have the good sense to “unburden” themselves “by what has been” and drop her, 


jack said...

And to think, that this filthy demented ignorant treasonous America hating bitch ran for President of the United States, and actually received tens of millions votes.

Anonymous said...

No one will ever know what exacactly she sniffed that day.