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Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Only in Israel ! Only in Israel would a guy be ready to give up his life for you in the Army but Kill You for a Parking Spot!




Deja vu said...

Tzionim zeinen choshud al retzicha - Brisker Rov

Brisker Payois said...

Deja vu

I just all respect for the Brisker Rav, saying that about another Jew?
?זו תורה וזו שכרה
!או לעשה בושה, ואו לאתו חרפה

Anonymous said...

You mean a Tziyoni killed the BR on Erev Yom Kippur ? Rak baEretz Yisroel???

cool the false kanoius said...

Der brisker rov ztzl hut amul gezught noch hakamas hamedina, az di hatzluche fun hakomas hamedina iz ken zein altz di tefilas fun di ernster mizruchishe yidden (dos is bracht beim reb shimin meller in di lebensgeshichte fun brisker rov ztzkl). und noch mehrer, di brisker rov gehat ah gutte yedidus mit rav yaakev moishe charlop ztzkl, di rosh yeshiva fun merkaz harav noch di petirah fun rav kook ztkl.

Chatzkal said...

Brisker Payois, just because R. Deja Vu said Brisker Rav said something doesn't mean he actually said it, and if he did say something remotely like that it was likely taken out of context, and he certainly wasn't talking about people fighting over parking places.

Anonymous said...

So much for a moniker

Anonymous said...

As if anyone cares what you think, Mr. Misnomer of a name if there ever was one. You ignorant tzebissener, Halacha peshuta that people who are not frum are not bichlal Amisecha

Dusiznies said...

You are a groiser am haaretz
ישראל אף על פי שחטא ישראל הוא

GR - Bnei Brak Ir Hakoidesh said...

The Chazon Ish already said that all Zionist are
תינוק שנשבה

Anonymous said...

You know that bichlal Amisecha is a nafka mina in the Kadmonim & even the Chofetz Chaim brings it lehalacha. But ‘nice try’ to cover up for your murderous secular Zionist pals

Dusiznies said...

I'll go with the Chazon Ish since the Kadmonim never met a Zionist! The CC's son Rav Pupko z"l was himself a Zionist! The Chazon Ish lived with the early Zionists and actually met Ben Gurion and the early Zionists were mamash involved with trying to be "oiker Torah" yet the Chazon Ish ruled that Zionists were "Tinok She'nishbah" !

Anonymous said...

No he didn't.Phony DIN cherrypicking.Keep it up.
He categorically stated that before the advent of the state .Because as he stated it was an era of Heavenly darkness.
But your ilk paradoxically claim the state was an open ray of Heavenly grace
So which is it
He also told an individual familiar to myself: you can state yemach shmo on Herzl

Anonymous said...

You're the AH.again
Not always.It is complicated though

Dusiznies said...

Are you saying that the Chazon Ish said that you can say YM"S of Herzl?
Herzl's dream that came true 100% and because of that dream the majority of the Jewish people have a home לשם ותפארת. Are you saying that the CI said that we should say YM"S after Herzl whose Zionist State has the most Torah learned since Har Sinai?
Is that what he said??
Is that how gedoilim teach הכרת הטוב?
It is no wonder that Chareidie children are going OTD at alarming rates! It no longer surprises anyone that in Bnei-Brak there is now open חילול שבת by these OTDs!
או לאותו בושה ואו לו לאותו חרפה
זו תורה וזו שכרה
The biggest Chareidie Gadol gave license to call another Jew "Ym"S" and not סתם another Jew but a Jew who made it possible for every single Jew to have a home, no questions asked!
Woe to my ears to have heard such blasphemy from a Gadol!

Akiva Eiger said...

In the Chazon Ish Bio by Rabbi Halperin, he clearly states that the CI held that all Chilonim are in the category of Tinok Sh'Nishba and that this statement was after his meeting with Ben-Gurion, so that's when there already was a Zionist State!
Your dumb statement that DIN "cherry-picks" should be said on the Chareidim who totally ignore Tanach to buttress their bizarre ideas by "cherry-picking"

Idi Amin said...

DIN is becoming a caricature of himself with all these cover ups for Zionists. He would have you believe that once the Chazon Ish held of the musag of tinok shenishba then all the Chilonim get a free pass - even those who had substantial frumma chinuch. If you want to see an actual legacy of mayseh avos I defer to the other Uganda maniac, Herzl. His legacy Chiloni guys are chasing the Sistahs in inner city Brooklyn

Dusiznies said...

You call Herzl the "Uganda maniac" but what you don't write that both Satmar and Skver took his original idea (which he quickly regretted) and built Kiryas Yoel Uganda and New Square Uganda!

Which if you think about is hysterical!
R" Yoilish was screaming and yelling about Herzl's z"l Uganda Plan and then he himself turned around and implemented it in New York!!!!
BTW you are mistaken the "chiloni guys that are chasing the Sistahs in inner city Brooklyn, are the Satmar Williamsburg guys! Recently a Black whore from Brooklyn was interviewed by the New York Post and she related that most of her clients are from Williamsburg
מי שפוסל במימו פוסל

Idi Amin said...

No matter what the facts are you are going slice & dice, spin & reshape everything to promote Zionists. Satmar Ruv ztl simply held that biz Moshiach the Zionists hubben nisht ken recht to take the land by force. (Time for DIN to rehash his pshettlach that there's supposedly no such Chazal despite that even the Agudist liberal view agrees but doesn't go as far as Satmar after the fact). Oib azoi it makes perfect sense to roll out KJ. If you would have been honest about the interview, you would have said it was ages ago in the 1980s. At least the Willy bums are ashamed & try to hide it. Your Chiloni heros are publicly flaunting it worse than Zimri. There was even a meeting of rabbunim because the Chilonim shlep their Shvartz playthings into Shawarma restaurants to fress their favorite fresserei before taking care of business. Yeshiva bucherim & mishpochos are exposed to these obscene sights and nisht pushet legally to tell these sick tayvaniks to go chase headlights on the BQE, A Chiloni boy enrolled at Touro was also open to his professors that he's only into Shvartz and it's no temporary fooling around, he also plans on marrying one or whatever the secular equivalent is. What do you think is happening otherwise in the year of hiking after Tzahal when all your lost souls are traipsing through the jungles of Thailand, Brazil, etc?

Dusiznies said...

The Satmer Rav is dead wrong as they didn't take the medina by force. They defended themselves just like in Williamsburg when they used to scream "chapzim" and then beat the living daylights of the Puerto Ricans!
The Medina was given to the Jewish people by the League of Nations and subsequently by the UN, it would do you good to read up on history instead of regurgitating Satmar/Hamas propaganda!
First you attack the Zionists now you attack Chilonim. Attacking Jews is your life! I don't know how you live with yourself, you must be some miserable creature !

Cohen said...

Whoa,Din.Jumping from endzone to endzone.So from now on stop cherrypicking from him when it suits you

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

That was after the zionists undercut the
a.Anglo-american commission
b.Eidah attempts in tandem with allied & UN preferences for an international Jerusalem

Dusiznies said...

Ha Ha LOL!!!!
The "Eida" attempted "in tandem with allied & UN preferences for an international Jerusalem"
Ha Ha
How stupid, childish and crazy and bizarre was that?
So look at the UN now? How did that work out? Hmmmmmm???
"in tandem with allied" ha ha !
"allies" ... tell us Mr. Eida, which "allies?"
The "Eida" all of the 6 and 1/2 people? You make it sound like the "Eida" was someone to be reckoned with! The "eida" were a small bunch of politically naive dummies! Thank G-d the Zionist were the ones in charge!
Can you imagine the "eida' running anything serious? Seriously!!!
Making Jerusalem "international?" Are you insane???
Looking back at these backward stupid idea, you still think that was a good idea?
How crazy are you ... I heard Eitanim is still open, check yourself in!

Idi Amin said...

Did you read that, folks? DIN has declared verboten to expose any sick public behaviors of the Chilonim, lest his beloved interracial interlopers come under “attack”. I didn’t know he had such thin skin! LOL!