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Sunday, February 16, 2025

Mother of Hostage, Ran Gvili, Tells the Left "You are only interested in overthrowing the government"

The mother of the abductee, Ran Gvili, tells the opposition members the whole truth to their faces.
The left is only interested in overthrowing the government, they are not interested in the kidnappers!

1 comment:

Garnel Ironheart said...

Here's an explain of the Right's morality being better than the Left.
From the beginning, the Left has not hesitated to use the leftist hostage families to attack Bibi and support Hamas. The Right should've countered and used the rightist hostage families to push the "support the government, defeat Hamas" counter message. But they didn't because USING GRIEVING HOSTAGE FAMILIES TO PUSH A POLITICAL MESSAGE IS JUST WRONG!