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Tuesday, January 14, 2025

60 Minutes Airs biased one-sided piece, villainizing Israel and berating US support for its ally




Cohen said...

Re: L B Chumra vs R'Yudel Shain
Brought up assertions with someone on the inside.
Turns out LBC stats # with all the problems are as suspected, highly unlikely

Furthermore, acc to PEW research of 2021: the # within such a community who responded affirmative to the q:Were you to have the opportunity to be born over again as non-jewish [Ed:or was it secular jew] would you prefer it?- was very low..
Remarkably lower- just for comparison- than either chassidish or modox demographics

Cohen said...

Cohen said...
Re: L B Chumra vs R'Yudel Shain
Brought up assertions with someone on the inside.
Turns out LBC stats # with all the problems are as suspected, highly unlikely

Furthermore, acc to PEW research of 2021: the # within such a community who responded affirmative to the q:Were you to have the opportunity to be born over again as non-jewish [Ed:or was it secular jew] would you prefer it?- was very low..
Remarkably lower- just for comparison- than either chassidish or modox demographics