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Monday, August 19, 2024

In a Shocking Psak the Kabbalist Harav Dov Kook "It is a Mitzvah to Go Up to the Har Habayis"



Garnel Ironheart said...

Although we are not entirely sure where on the current platform the Beis HaMikdash actually was, there is certainty over large areas as to where it was not. A visit that restricts movement to that area is, if properly prepared for, not an issur.

Anonymous said...

What exactly is the mitzva?

Anonymous said...

So you know better than Rav Ovadia Yosef, Rav Elyashiv & Rav AY Kook? I hope that you distance yourself from Kritot Shabbat and Niddah better.

Anonymous said...

But they won't let us excavate and find out to the cm. Bear in mind, the Mikdash was so heavy it could only be built in those times on solid rock, not earth, which leaves a very small portion of the mount

Dusiznies said...

"So you know better than Rav Ovadia Yosef, Rav Elyashiv & Rav AY Kook?"
You don't have to know better, you can go with the psak of the Rambam that actually went up and davened there, you can also go with the Me'eeerie who says that today one is allowed to go up, and now you can go with the psak of Harav Dov Kook! I don;t have to follow your rabbis and you don't have to follow mine!
As far as your comment:
" I hope that you distance yourself from Kritot Shabbat and Niddah better."
I don't think that you give a crap about my distancing from "Kritot, Shabbos, and Niddah"
I don't think that you give a crap about another Jew's Olam Habah either!
If you did you would understand and feel and respect the opinions of Gedoilei Hadar that do not follow YOUR Gedoilim!
There are thousands of Frum Jews including Chareidim that go up based on the psak of their rabbanim! They don't need your haskama!

Anonymous said...

What would your opinion be if one wants to try once again (many teshuvas against it) reinstate the mitzvah of shimra to stop tamay people from going up to har habayis?

my problem is this issue is not seen in line with halachic methodology but political and sometimes hashkafic on both sides of the debate