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Monday, May 20, 2024

Toldos Avraham Yitzchok Rebbe Recklessly Advises Chassidm to go to Miron on Lag Be'Omer

Can someone out there verify that this guy is sane? 

Is someone going to stop this lunacy? 

The IDF's only issue is safety, they ordered the Miron Mount closed, this is to ensure no one gets killed in Miron. But this rebbe with his bow and arrow (see photo above) promises that no one will get hurt! 

For years, the IDF warned Lag Be'Omer pilgrims that "it is a tragedy waiting to happen;" the Gedoilim told their followers that the IDF's warning was just a Zionist trick to take control of the mount. 
The followers are just a bunch of naive dummies, but then the tragedy where people killed other Jews in a stampede, 45 of them, happened. You would think that the gedoilim would apologize and admit that it was a tragic mistake. 
But NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! they still tell their sheep that the Zionists want control of the mount.

One minute! Even if it were 100% true... SO? 
The Zionist control the Kotel, Kever Rachel, Mearas Hamchpileah! 
Do you know how many thousands and thousands go to the Mearas Hamachpeilah on Parshas Veiyechi? Of course not as many but I've been there and I can tell you firsthand that the IDF runs a tight ship.

So what is really behind this control of the mount? 
Chai Rachel!!!! Askanim have become millionaires fundraising for the Lag Be'omer event, they will not relinquish control. There is also a huge fight between Ashkenazim and Sfardim on who is the true owner of the site. This fight goes back decades. There is a fund of millions by Mr Safre to make the site safe but because of the infighting, the funds have never been released. 

Not to rain on anyone's parade, not everyone holds that Ren Shimon Ben Yochai was Niftar on Lag Beomer! 

Minchat Elazar 4:64, cited in Nitei GavrielMinhagei Lag Ba’omer. There are eminent authorities such as the Chida, the Ben Ish Chai, and Rabbi Chaim Vital who are of the opinion that Lag Ba’omer is not the yahrtzeit of Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai. They argue that this claim is based on scribal errors. See http://www.shofar.net/site/ARDetile.asp?id=8159 for more. See also Divrei Yitzchak (Kaduri), Sha’ar Moadim U’zemanim 5.

And not to Chas Ve'sholom diminish this great Tanna, but the gemarrah in Eiruvin 46b states the Halacha does not follow Reb Shimon Ben Yochai! 

About dancing around a fire some postulate that this could even be a problem of Avoda Zara
See this from Eimalim Betorah:

The תוספתא (Shabbos 7:1) enumerates practices
that are אסור to do because they are considered דרכי אמורי.
One of them is clapping, or dancing in front of a fire.

Dancing in front of a fire would be an איסור דאורייתא
of ובחקתיהם לא תלכו.

There will be those who will claim that dancing in front of
a fire is an accepted מנהג בישראל and argue that it can't be
wrong when you have thousands of Yidden & Rebbes dancing
around the fire.

The same argument was probably also used when 
there  were thousands of Yidden worshipping the
עגל הזהב.

Perhaps, those planning to dance in front of the fire
should ask their מורה הוראה if this איסור דאורייתא is no
longer applicable today and why not?


see below excerpts of שו"ת שבט הלוי ח"ז קל"ו                                                                                                                    

On Shabbat night in Beit Shemesh: The Rebbe called to go up to Miron 
"There has already been a lot of fire in the area, and nothing has fallen"

 At a tish he held on Motzei Shabbas  for hundreds of his followers in Beit Shemesh, the Rebbe of Todolot Avraham Yitzchak said:
 "You see that a lot of fire has already been fired into the Miron area, and nothing has fallen in the village of Miron itself."

The Rebbe mentioned his father's words and said:
 "My late father would always say - 'What the wicked say, the opposite should be done.' For those who are afraid, I cannot tell them to go up to Miron and take responsibility, but you have to do the opposite of what the wicked say, not let Sitra later manage Miron."

 *בליל שבת בבית שמש:

 האדמו"ר קרא לעלות למירון ▪︎ "ירו כבר הרבה לאזור, ושום דבר לא נפל"* 

 בטיש שערך בליל שבת למאות חסידיו בבית שמש, האדמו"ר מתולדות אברהם יצחק אמר: "רואים שירו כבר הרבה לאזור מירון, ושום דבר לא נפל בישוב מירון עצמו".

הרבי הזכיר את דברי אביו ואמר: "אבי ז"ל היה אומר תמיד - 'מה שהרשעים אומרים צריך לעשות ההיפך'. מי שיש לו פחד אינני יכול לומר לו לעלות למירון ולקחת אחריות, אבל צריך לעשות ההיפך ממה שהרשעים אומרים, לא לתת לסיטרא אחרא לנהל את מירון".


Bnei Brique and Braque said...

I suspect his mind may be degrading in old age. This Rebbe has been on the right side of issues in the past, blasting the chayos who spat on little girls, etc, as inexcusably making chilul Hashem

Garnel Ironheart said...

What an interesting religion they have.
They leave Jerusalem for Ukraine on the holiest days of the year and they turn Lag BaOmer, an invented holiday, into something more important than the Regalim.

Anonymous said...

Let them go.

Frum but normal said...

The only difference, this guy is not even a talmid chacham.

Litvish and loving it said...

DIN, here is a case where you can't blame the Litvaks. Show me one Litvishe godol at Meron on Lag Baomer making a "Hadlukeh". It is a creation of Hasidic lunatics (yes, there is a Sephardic part too, but they celebrate like a day later, not the night when Lag-33 is first counted).

Curious said...

DIN, can you please tell us your memories of Lag Baomer growing up. How you spent the day. You got out early from cheder and went on an outing? To a park?
Bow and arrow? In those days it wasn't like is common in some places in chu"l today, when almost every rebbele makes a Hadlukeh.

Someone once quipped, וואס קלענערע די רבי, וואס גרעסרע די הדלקה.