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Thursday, May 9, 2024

The New Mayor of Beit Shemesh Seat is still Cold, and Chareidim Are Already Testing Him, Removing Israeli Flags


As I explained countless time on this blog, Beit Shemesh is divided into assorted "Ramas." One of them is Ramat Beit Shemesh Bet! This is where the Chareidie parasites live and only cause chaos and mayhem all day long 24/7! But that is their own neighborhood

Recently a new neighborhood is being developed called Ramat Dalet! This is actually the largest development in all of Beit Shemesh with the potential of housing over 100,000 residents. 

The "Bet Parasites" are trying to put a foothold there as well so they hire buses on a regular basis to bring them to Dalet for the sole purpose of intimidating the new development! Screaming "Shiksah" on every lady who has a sheitel on, and even defecating on a shul that is a threat to them. The shul is actually a chassidishe shul but whose worshippers are former "Bet" residents who wanted out of their sick and perverted upbringing and established a beautiful shul in Dalet! Last week they snuck into the shul and put human waste all over, and even the Aron Hakodash wasn't spared!

Well last night, they came in to remove the Israeli Flags! Let's see what the New Mayor will now do! Will he pass the test?

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