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Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Satmar Newspaper "Der Goy" Publishes Unfiltered Hamas Propaganda!

Jewish Husbands and Children are getting killed as I am typing these words, Jewish blood is freely flowing on the streets, as the State of Israel stands alone against 70 wolves and the entire world, including the USA; Bilam predicted this when he said עם לבדד ישכון 

At a time like this, you would think that at least the "heimishe" and "chareidishe" world would have some iota of sympathy and stand together "באחדות" after all, the majority of the Jewish people live in the State of Israel. 
But the sick convoluted Romanishe Satmar obsession with Zionism a war Satmar lost, and Herzl won, goes unabated, and reading their disgusting vile Der Goy is equivalent to reading the latest Al-Jazeera News!

The Zionist State even in this time of war, is strong and optimistic. It is in the top 10 financially healthy countries in the world and the latest poll found that Jews living in Israel are among the happiest in the world.  The Chareidie World in the Zionist State has grown to unbelievable heights despite Ben Gurian's attempt to destroy the Torah and I'll venture to say, despite R' Yoel Teitelbaum's, the founder of Satmar prediction in 1956 and again in 1967 that there won't be any Torah Institutions in the State of Israel in 20 years. 

I have to laugh when I re-read these predictions from a book called שמעו דבר ה' a book that transcribes the recording of the Satmar Rebbe, when in Beit Shemesh alone there are close to a  1,000 Torah Moisdos! And Beit Shemesh will be adding 100,000 more frum residents in the next 5 years. 
The rebbe predicted in 1967 that most Jews in Israel would be assimilated in what he then said, "I give it 40 years." 
The rebbe, were he still alive like the rebbe of Chabad, would be surprised to learn that in New York alone Jews are assimilating at a rate of 37% according to the latest poll, and are assimilating by a rate of 85% throughout the USA!! In Israel, it is approx. 1.3% and according to the Times of Israel it will soon be 0% because of the latest war that opened the eyes of everyone! 
Yes! We are going through terrible times and our faiths are being tested. It is "dafka" in a time like this we need to hear from our own heimishe communities word of comfort.
 Don't count on the Jews that parrot Hamas talking points! My message to the Romanian peasants is if something terrible G-d Forbid happens to Israel, Kiryas Yoel will not be spared, the ones rounding them up won't ask "Are you an Aroinie or are you a Zilonie?"

Loose  Translation of Der Goy's article below

אומגליק פון ציוניסטישע
מדינה קריסטאל-קלאר
היינטיגן ה' אייר

ירושלים – היינט איז דער יום המר והנמהר ה' אייר, דער טאג וואס עס האט זיך ליידער געגרינדעט די ציוניסטישע מדינה, "מדינת ישראל", ביום ה' אייר תש"ח, מיט'ן ציל מורד צו זיין אין מלכות שמים, עובר זיין אויף די הארבע שלש שבועות און אראפווארפן פון זיך דעם גזירת הגלות.

זינט דער טאג וואס די מדינה של גיהנם איז געגרינדעט געווארן, זענען שוין צענדליגער טויזנטער קרבנות ליידער געפאלן על מזבח המדינה. אבער היי יאר זעט זיך פילפאכיג שטערקער ארויס ליידער דער גרויסער אומגליק דערפון. נישט בלויז שלומי אמוני ישראל, ערליכע אידן איבער דער גארער וועלט, רעדן יעצט איבער דער שרעקליכער צרה. נאר עס זעט עס יעדער קלאר און ווייטאגליך. אומעטום שמועסט מען איבער די צרות רבות רעות ומשונות וואס דער עקזיסטענץ פון דער מדינה האט אנגעברענגט אויף אידן. בעת מען שטייט אינמיטן א בלוטיגע מלחמה פון וועלכע ס'זעט זיך נישט ארויס קיין וועג. נאך א שוידערליכע שחיטה וואס טעראריסטן האבן דורכגעפירט א האלב יאר צוריק און קאלטבלוטיג דערמארדעט 1200 אידישע נפשות אונטער'ן שלטון פון מדינת ישראל. מ'קריכט נאר טיפער און טיפער מיט'ן התגרות באומות און אנרייצן מיליאנען אראבער פון די ארומיגע מדינות און פון איבער דער גאנצער וועלט.

אין דעם טאג ה' אייר, ווען אין דער ציוניסטישער מדינה פּרובירן די מינים ואפיקורסים צו הייבן דעם מאראל טראץ די אפענע נידערגעשלאגנקייט, אינערליכע צעריסנקייט און עקזיסטענץ-געפאר, וועלן ערליכע אידן זיך מחזק זיין אין דער ריינער אמונה, איבער'חזר'ן די השקפה הטהורה אז אידן טארן נישט האבן קיין שום שייכות צו דעם מלכות המינות על אדמת ארה"ק און הייס מתפּלל זיין אז די מדינה הטמאה זאל גענצליך בטל ווערן, נישט חלילה דורך אומות העולם, נאר דורך רחמים וחסדים, די עכטע גאולה שלימה זאל שוין קומען ווי שנעלער, בביאת משיח צדקינו, במהרה בימינו אמן

The Tragedy of the Zionist Medina Now Crystal Clear 

Today Hay Iyur

Jerusalem: Today is the bitter day of Hay Iyur ,the day when, unfortunately, the Zionist State was established in 1948, with its goal of rebelling against the Kingship in Heaven and violating the harshness of the 3 oaths and dumping the burdens of the diaspora! 

DIN: I am not going to allow this vicious lie and blood-libel to stand alone but will respond. 

First of all Israel didn't celebrate Yom Hatzmaot on  Hay Iyur this year, we celebrated yesterday which was actually the 6th "ו' Iyur! It was a "nidcha" Yom Hazikoran was on "Hey Iyur" this year! 

The establishment of the Jewish State in 1948 was actually a miracle according to many Gedoilim and this is not the place or time to talk about it. It was a country established to allow ALL Jews in, even the Satmar Rebe, who actually lived in Israel and was planning to remain but his Chassidim in Israel whom he gave bad advice pre-ww2 wouldn't support his obsession with the Zionists. Neither, BTW did the Chazon Ish (more on this at a later time) 

The 3 oaths were chewed over on this blog many times where I explained that this prohibition is not mentioned in the entire Shulchan Aruch, or in Rambam's Mishneh Torah. The Rambam does "allude" to it in a letter! Hear that again, "A Letter" he could have easily placed it in his massive Mishna Torah and he chose not to! In addition, there aren't any meforshim such as the Mahrasha in the back of Mesachtas Kesubois,  that talk about it. No one does ! 

Just that you know it seems that the Vilna Gaon and the Baal Shem Tov ignored this "prohibition" and tried making Aliyah, they failed but their talmidim actually did. The Talmeidei Hagra and the Talmedei Baal Shem Tove made a "massive" Aliyah. The Chofetz Chayim was also making Aliya but couldn't get a passport.

Its interesting to note that the Satmar Rebbe came to Israel sometime in 1931 to try to get the Job of being the  Head of the Eida Hachreidis, and he was ready to sign up with his hated Aguda that was in charge of hiring! He didn't care about the "oaths" when he wanted the job. But He wasn't in Palestine when Rav Sonnenfeld died and they gave the position to another Hungarian who had moved to Israel two years before in 1930, also ignoring the "oaths",  Rav Yosef Tzvi Dushinsky. When Satmar heard about the appointment of R' Dushinsky the Hungarians wrote Kol Koras ridiculing Rav Dushinsky and saying that he wasn't up to the job! 

Back to Loose Translation:

Since the establishment of the State, tens of thousands of Jews were unfortunately killed on the State's altar. 

DIN: Wait one minute!!!! Yes, 25,000 were actually killed in 73 years. That is a lot, even one single Jew killed is a lot, but when in world history can you find a period of 73 years that Jews weren't being slaughtered by the Hundreds of Thousands? Just 4 years prior to the establishment of the State, 6 million Jews were slaughtered!

Back to Der Goy! 

But this year one can see the great tragedy as a result of the establishment of the Zionist State, But not only is the tragedy of the establishment of the State of Israel for Jews living in Israel but Frum Jews all over the world are talking about the tragedy of the establishment of the Zionist State! As it is very clear and painful, what tragedies the establishment has wrought.

DIN: Aha! We finally see where Der Goy buried their dog... "Frum Jews all over the world" is what bothers Der Goy! The frum Jews all over the world like Hamas are blaming the Jews for the antisemitism. Well before 1948, Goyim were expelling and murdering Jews in Crusades, Pogroms, Holocausts. The Goyim would go after Jews if there wasn't a Zionist alive! 

Back to Der Goy!

While we are in the midst of a bloody war with no way out, after this scary slaughter where terrorists murdered a half year ago in cold blood 1200 Jewish souls, they are sinking deeper and deeper with "instigating the nations" and provoking millions of Arabs from nearby countries and from the entire world.

DIN: So now that we are defending ourselves, we are instigating the goyim! How vile and sick are these Romanians? Actually "the Arabs of nearby countries" are backing Israel in this campaign, when Iran launched their missiles, Saudi Arabia and Jordan intercepted the Iranian missiles! 

This is what happens when you get your news from Hamas sources such as Al Jazarah! 

Der Goy! 

In this day Hay Iyur, when in the Zionist State, the "minim & apikorsim" are trying to lift the spirits of its residents despite being beaten and divided, and fighting for their very survival, frum Jews will straighten themselves in the true amunah, to review the true hashkafa, that Jews cannot have any connection to this heretical government on the holy land, to pray that this Tumedika government should speedily get destroyed, not God Forbid through the nations, but through mercy and piousness, the real total redemption should come sooner when Moshiach will come speedily in our days Amen! 

DIN: Wow what a change in their "hashkafa" 

For years their founder thought it was a great idea if the nations or even the UN would take control of Israel.  He writes that in his book "Al Hagila" today we see how foolish and naive that idea was. The UN Agency UNRAW helped Hamas in the slaughter of Oct 7 ! And the Red Cross has yet to see a hostage! 

Now Der Goy took a 180-degree turn and said "not God Forbid through the nations" Rebe Yoilish z"l must be turning in his grave! 

We in Israel have the "true hashkafa" and we know that the Satmar cult the Romanian peasants, are puppets of our enemies and by writing these "Shiitism and Havalim" in DER GOY they are aiding the "Sitra Achra" and may they come to their senses and do true teshuvah AMEN! 


satmar kakmar said...

does satmar themselves keep the three oaths?
every time satmar makes a motorcade for their leaders and blocks off the BQE during rush hour just so that he can get to la guardia to his maasos hakodesh (vacation from vacation) in "palm shprings" or "meemami" 15 minutes early, or they blockbust in newark or stuff the ballots in bloomingburg, or for the umpteenth time there is some s*x scandal or financial fraud that hits the media; isnt that "hisgaras beumois".
or when the shomrim cowboys beat the cr*p out of some innocent civillian or when their leaders consistently get arrested and do long prison terms, and moishe maarhgereteeeeen has to tuchis lekke some politico to free them, isnt that "koichi boitzem yudi"?
or when satmar gentrified villiamsburg and noone can affrod to live there, so they all moved to KJ, and then did their '"palmtree" shtick, going against the town of monroe and making a massive chilul hashem, is that being moired against the umois haolam?

חב"ד-שמד said...

"The rebbe, were he still alive like the rebbe of Chabad"

Have you taken Jesus Schneerson as your Lord and Savior???

Dusiznies said...

You must be new to this blog, I was being sarcastic