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Thursday, May 9, 2024

Revealed: IDF lookout Noa Marciano was murdered by a doctor at Al-Shifa


The parents of IDF lookout Noa Marciano, who was taken hostage to Gaza and whose body was recovered by the IDF, disclosed that a doctor who worked at Al-Shifa Hospital was the one who murdered their daughter.

Marciano was injured by the IDF's bombing on Gaza and was transferred by her captors to Al-Shifa hospital for medical treatment.

Her parents told Channel 12 News: "They preferred to murder her. It was a doctor who did it, in a hospital. She was injured by air force bombings and was taken to Al-Shifa."

After her body was recovered, IDF spokesman Daniel Hagari said that, "According to the medical findings, Noa was kidnapped to a hiding place near Al-Shifa, and during IDF attacks on the area, the Hamas terrorist who was holding her was killed. Noa was injured, but not a life-threatening injury."

He added that the new information that has been revealed, " Disputes the false videos published by Hamas, which try to claim that Noa was killed by the IDF."

Hagari concluded his statement by saying that, "The hospital, a place that is supposed to sanctify the value of life, was used by Hamas for murder. Our hearts are with Noa's family, we send our condolences, we did not reach Noa in time. This only makes the IDF more determined to do our best in order to return the hostages home."

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