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Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Drone footage captures students at Emory University in Atlanta practicing riot tactics

 In a surprising turn of events, drone footage has captured students at Emory University in Atlanta practicing riot tactics, raising eyebrows and sparking a heated debate on social media. 

The footage, shared by various users, has led to accusations of domestic terrorism, with some questioning the university’s role in allowing such activities. 

The incident has also highlighted the political divide. 

As the controversy unfolds, one thing is clear: Emory’s campus has become a battleground for differing opinions, with the only certainty being that antisemitism is becoming legitimate on College Campuses !


Zako said...

Poor brainless kids... a lost generation. Total baal tashris.

pidyon shvuyim said...

https://www.israelnationalnews.com/news/389553 hi DIN, i saw this story on arutz sheva of a fellow jew wrongfully imprisoned in moldova. i thought you might want to follow up and investigate this story, because if true, we can spread the word and be mekayim the mitzva gedolah of pidon shvuyim. yasher koach!