Monday, April 8, 2024

Back-Stabber Schumer Fails to Show at COJO Breakfast


 On Sunday, the Council of Jewish Organizations (COJO Flatbush) held its annual breakfast, yet Senator Chuck Schumer, who frequently attends, was nowhere to be found. Multiple politicians at the bipartisan event linked his noticeable absence with his recent decision to abandon Israel.

On a video posted to X, Congressman Mike Lawler, an honoree at the breakfast, and Dov Hikind, both slammed Schumer for his attempts to interfere in Israeli politics.

Lawler said, “Just as we don’t want people interfering in our elections, he never ever should interfere in the Israeli elections.”

Hikind accused Schumer of “stabbing Israel in the back.”

Councilwoman Inna Vernikov added in a tweet, “@SenSchumer we missed you today. Yes, stabbing Israel in the back would not be a good look, especially after hostage families were begging and pleading for our support. Shame.”

Hikind posted a scathing video of himself, and wrote: “Besides stabbing Israel in the back, today you showed what a coward you are. LET ME TELL YOU THIS ⁦@SenSchumer ⁩ IF YOU HAD SHOWED UP TODAY, IT WOULD HAVE BEEN A DAY YOU & I WOULD NEVER FORGET!”

The event, held at the Kol Yakov Hall in Flatbush, brought together respected community leaders and elected officials.

Accompanied by guest Chaim Meisels, a captain who fought in the IDF during the Gaza war, Congressman Lawler was praised for being a strong friend of the Jewish community. In his acceptance speech, Lawler said, “The United States was the first government to recognize the State of Israel, that in minutes after its founding, we are its oldest friend. We are its closest ally.”

Lawler emphasized the importance of supporting Israel and its government, and rejected interfering in its domestic politics.

Lawler also tweeted about the event, saying: “I was honored to receive the Distinguished Statesmanship Award from @COJOFlatbush for my efforts supporting Israel and our Jewish communities. Today marks six months since Hamas’ terrorist attack against Israel. We must support our ally and demand all hostages be returned safely.”

1 comment:

Kapo Konvention said...

Shmuckie Chuckie was terrified that if he showed up he would get booed on live tv like his fellow Kapo, fatso Jerrold Nadler, recently was!