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Thursday, March 14, 2024

Viznitzer in the IDF Gets Yelled Out by his Commander For having His Beret on the wrong side of his uniform!


Viznitzer Chassidim wear their hats with the bow on "right side" .. The chassidishe hats have the bow on the "left side" so they turn the hats around so that the bow is on the right! 

I heard that Viznitz holds that these are very deep kabbalistic ideas. 

Well in the video below a Viznitzer Chusid in the IDf has his beret on the right side underneath his lapel, and his commander yells at him to switch the beret so that it is under the left side. He answers that he "is a Viznitzer" The commander asks him if he has ID identifying him as a Viznitzer, and he answers in the affirmative 


Garnel Ironheart said...

You realize this is a staged video, not real?

Dusiznies said...

The part staged in that he is a Viznitzer when he is really a Pupper Chusid!