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Sunday, March 10, 2024

One Single Man Denouncing Hamas Arrested While the person who assaulted him and the women screaming supporting HAMAS TERRORISTS Go FREE .



Garnel Ironheart said...

The police follow the orders from the chief
The chief follows the orders from the mayor
The mayor said that the protestors are to be allowed to do whatever they want short of open, direct physical violence and that people who rile them up need to be arrested.

yony said...

you need to post this!https://twitter.com/GLZRadio/status/1766786478393188625

iranian "yingerman" mullah gets verbally screamed at by women for filming her without a head scarf when she brings her child to a clinic.
needs to be done to our frimmeh!

Anonymous said...

OMG this is terrible!!! 😭