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Thursday, March 14, 2024

Israeli Politicians Overwhelmingly Condemning Cryin Schumer Hate Speech Against Israel !Ganz: "Israelis choose their leaders"

National Unity party chairman Minister Benny Gantz joined the chorus of criticism of US Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer's speech calling for new elections in Israel.

"The US and Israel share common values ​​and interests, and the citizens of Israel and its leadership are very grateful for the US standing by the State of Israel in its difficult and complicated moments," Gantz said.

"The leader of the Democratic majority in the Senate, Chuck Schumer, is a friend of Israel, who helps us a lot even during these days, but he made a mistake in his statement. Israel is a strong democracy, and only its citizens will determine its leadership and future. Any external intervention in the matter is incorrect and unacceptable."

Prime Minister Netanyahu's Likud strongly condemned Schumer's speech, saying, "Israel is not a banana republic but an independent and proud democracy that elected Prime Minister Netanyahu. Prime Minister Netanyahu leads a determined policy that is supported by a huge majority of the people."

"Contrary to Schumer's remarks, the Israeli public supports a complete victory over Hamas, rejects any international dictate to establish a Palestinian terrorist state, and opposes the return of the Palestinian Authority to Gaza. We expect Senator Schumer to respect the elected government of Israel and not undermine it. This is always true, ll the more so in times of war," the Likud stated.

Earlier, former Prime Minister Naftali Bennett said that “Regardless of our political positions, we strongly oppose external political interference in Israel's internal affairs. We are an independent nation, not a banana republic. The danger of terrorism is on the way to the West and it would be good if they would help Israel in its justified war. In the long run, they are defending themselves as well."

Israeli Ambassador to the US, Mike Herzog also condemned him saying: "Israel is a sovereign democracy. It is counterproductive, even more so in a situation where Israel is at war with Hamas, a terrorist organization, to address the internal politics of a democracy. This goes against our common goals."

Not all Israeli leaders condemned Schumer's speech. Opposition leader the clueless Yair Lapid said, “Senator Schumer’s speech is proof that Netanyahu is losing our best supporters in the US. Even worse is that he is doing it on purpose. Netanyahu is causing serious damage to the national effort to win the war and preserving Israel's security.”



Schmuckie Chuckie said...

Schumer the Kapo will nod approvingly so many times that his glasses will slide in gantzen off his nose instead of just sitting at the bottom of it


The United States imposed sanctions on “Moshe’s Farm” in the Jordan Valley and “Zvi’s Farm” in Binyamin, which the State Department claims are used to launch attacks against Palestinians. The US Treasury also announced the imposition of sanctions against three Israelis living in Judea and Samaria: Zvi Bar Yosef, Moshe Sharvit and Naria Ben Fazi, who they claim have been attacking Palestinians.

Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich in response threatened to collapse the Palestinian economy.

Savages said...
