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Sunday, March 3, 2024

Beit Shemesh Chareidim Freaking Out and in Panic Afraid That Dr Aliza Bloch Will Win


LOL!!!! Chareidim are themselves fighting like cats and dogs, yet they blame Aliza Bloch for trying to split the Chareidie Vote.

I hope it's true! Why shouldn't she try? ... 

The Chareidim don't admit that Deri threw Abutbul in to knock out Grinberg! What did they think was going to happen?
At any rate, they are running around like poisoned mice to make sure they have some achdus amongst themselves! So far as of this afternoon, Shas and Aguda are supporting Dr. Bloch. 
Things may change as Grinberg is offering Shas and Aguda high positions in his administration, but Grinberg is a bald-faced liar as he already promised those positions to Degel! 
Both Shas and Aguda will get a much bigger piece of the pie if they back Dr. Aliza Bloch since  so far she hasn't offered anyone any positions. 
So pass the popcorn! 


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