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Thursday, October 12, 2023

Finally!! Israeli Health Minister 'directs public hospitals NOT to treat "cursed and despicable" Hamas terrorists'

 The Israeli Health Minister reportedly issued a directive Wednesday afternoon instructing hospitals in his country to refuse to treat captured terrorists.

According to the Jerusalem Post, Moshe Arbel wrote in his directive that Israeli hospitals must presently prioritize victims of Hamas and IDF soldiers as the country's medical system becomes strained.

'Since the beginning of the fighting, the issue of treating the damned and despicable Hamas terrorists within the public hospitals has piled up a tremendous difficulty on the health system,' he wrote.

'In these difficult times, the health system should focus fully on the treatment of the victims of the criminal massacre, the IDF soldiers and preparedness for the next.

'The task of securing and treating the cursed and despicable terrorists within the public health system significantly harms these efforts and therefore, under my guidance, the public health system will not treat them.

'The handling of the matter should be entrusted to the IDF or the Shin Bet, and of course the Health Ministry is ready and willing to assist these bodies, as needed,' he concluded.

The minister called on Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who has sworn that Israel will kill every member of Hamas, to issue instructions to the relevant entities to begin enforcing his directive.

On Wednesday evening, following the order, Sourasky Medical Center in Tel Aviv announced that a terrorist who had been brought to the hospital was not admitted to the emergency room.

He was instead sent to the prison service's clinic in Ramle for medical treatment.

On Saturday, Iran-backed Palestinian terrorists stormed Israel in a coordinated attack that has so far taken the lives of 1,200 Israelis, some of whom were raped, burned alive, and beheaded mercilessly by agents of Hamas.

Thousands more have been injured and are being treated in packed Israeli hospitals. 

Wednesday, residents in Gaza faced growing uncertainty after the territory's only power plant ran out of fuel and shut down. Over the weekend, PM Netanyahu declared war on Hamas and made it clear that Gaza would feel the impact of Israel's retaliation for decades to come.

This week, Israeli airstrikes demolished entire neighborhoods and sent people scrambling to find safety. The war is only expected to escalate from here.

Netanyahu has promised that his military will ensure the deaths of every Hamas agent. 

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