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Thursday, November 10, 2022

Emboldened With the US Elections, Ambassador Nides like a roach that comes out when the light turns on states 'We will fight against any attempt at annexation'


United States Ambassador to Israel Thomas Nides sent a warning regarding the possibility that the next government will attempt to annex land in Judea and Samaria. In an interview with Kan News on Thursday, the ambassador stated that he will fight against any attempt to make such a move and explained, "The United States and most of the Arab nations oppose annexation."

The ambassador opened by expressing his willingness to work with the new government, saying, "I want to start with a relationship with this government that is strong and enduring, I want to work closely with Prime Minister Netanyahu, I want to work closely with his government."

"This country is a democracy that elected a leadership and I intend to work with them," the ambassador stated, but immediately added, "That said, we have to stand up for the things that we believe in, that's what American values are about. We have a very strong alley in the state of Israel, but there will be times when we will articulate where we believe our differences are."

On Wednesday night, Ambassador Nides visited the Allenby Crossing at the Jordanian border, which, under American pressure, has begun a trial period remaining open 24 hours a day seven days a week.

Regarding the move, the ambassador said that, "It's good for the Palestinian people it's good for the Israelis and I went there last night at midnight to check things out with the head of COGAT and with the head of the Airport Authority and a lot of other people to see it for myself." He added that he is sure that the new government will continue the cooperation with him on projects to improve the Palestinian Authority Arabs' quality of life.

Ambassador Nides was also asked if he will talk with Otzma Yehudit chairman MK Itamar Ben-Gvir, whose status has been disturbing the sleep of countless senior officials in the Biden administration.

"I'm not going to make draconian statements that I'm not going to ever talk to anyone - it doesn't matter left or right, we'll see who gets to be in his position, and what positions they take. I want to see, rhetorically what they say and how they act. My job as American ambassador is to keep dialogues going, and conversations going, but push back on things that we disagree with, and I will be pushing back aggressively on things that we disagree with. But at this point, the government is not even formed so until I know and we know who has what positions and the positions they take then we will determine what conversations will take place."


From but normal said...

Someone should tell this filthy demented Alzheimer’s diseased treasonous America hating and terrorist loving DemonRat sitting in the White House,to mind his own damn business, it’s enough that this rabies infected sewer rat is out to destroy his own country.
He doesn’t have to drag the rest of the world with it.

New Liska Friedlander group scam said...


When did he become a Chusid of Golda Meir? Are they hanging up a picture of Golda in the Liska shtiebel?