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Tuesday, November 1, 2022

Chareidie Party Uses Verse in the Torah that requires all to go to the army to get the vote out


האחיכם יצאו למלחמה

ואתם תשבו פה

Moshe Rabbeinu speaking to the children of Gad and Reuvein, asked them

"? האחיכם יבאו למלחמה ואתם תשבו פה "

"You expect your brothers to go out and fight, while you sit home?"

This verse is commonly used by those serving in the IDF to those who refuse to.

"Gimel" is the party of the Chareidim and to encourage those who refuse to vote, to vote, they took this pasuk where Moshe chastises the Bnei Gad and the Bnei Reuvein who he thought wouldn't join his army and use it for their own selfish motives.

What chutzpah!

The very argument that Moshe used to demand army service, is being used for their election efforts.

Don't they see the irony of all this ?

1 comment:

At Ease said...

That's because Hashem told the shvotim to go to war.

Now it's milchamta shel Torah for yeshivaleit and everyone else can go to Tzahal.