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Tuesday, November 1, 2022

Bear enters Carlebach Shul in Pomona and doesn't like that the Bima is not in the middle


A bear in apparent search of a minyan entered the Ohr Shlomo Chasidic Center, aka the Carlebach Shul, in Pomona near Monsey on Sunday night, walked around for a bit, and upon finding nobody to join him, left, but not before trying to figure out why the bima wasn't in the middle like other frum shuls.

Being near wooded areas, bears are not uncommon sightings around the shul, but a bear in the shul isn’t an everyday occurrence. In this case, someone left a door to the shul’s teen minyan room open, providing the oversized mammal with an opportunity to get inside.

A bear in apparent search of a minyan entered the Ohr Shlomo Chasidic Center, aka the Carlebach Shul, in Pomona on Sunday night, walked around for a bit, and upon finding nobody to join him, left.

Being near wooded areas, bears are not uncommon sightings around the shul, but a bear in the shul isn’t an everyday occurrence. In this case, someone left a door to the shul’s teen minyan room open, providing the oversized mammal with an opportunity to get inside.


Anonymous said...

He took a bag of tortilla chips for the way.

YSV the Root of All Evil said...

Are you sure it's not Sruly Orzel?

DrMike said...

There's a shtreiml waiting to happen.

Larry Manischewitz said...

יעמוד הרב דוב בער בן הרב בעריש מפטיר

Haberdasher said...

Shtreimelach are beaver fur

Anonymous said...

November 1, 2022 at 6:36 PM

Another, self hating, Jew Lover.

Anonymous said...

The Rebbe Reb Ber has the bigest Peltz of all!!

Maria said...

My compliments to his mother. She brought him up with good manners, he did not knock over chairs ir pull off tablecloths. Seems to fancy himself giving a drosho or davening from the amud. A frequent desire.

Anonymous said...

A tzaddik in peltz