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Wednesday, October 26, 2022

Biden calls Skverer rebbe urges him to Endorse first Openly Gay New York congressman


Question now is, will the Skverer Rebbe tell his chassidim to vote for DemonRats who are for releasing violent criminals without bail, who are for LGBT? Or will he finally realize that Jews must now vote for the Republicans? 

My bet is that he will ask his chassidim to continue voting for the disastrous DemonRats, because Biden promised him $$$$$$.

President Joe Biden called the Skverer rebbe Tuesday, two weeks ahead of this year’s midterm elections, urging the rabbi to endorse Democratic candidates.

Biden spoke with Rabbi David Twersky, the 81-year-old scion of the Skver Hasidic dynasty, for fifteen minutes Tuesday afternoon, with the president asking the Skverer Rebbe to encourage his followers to back Democrats in the midterm elections.

In particular, Biden asked Rabbi Twersky to endorse Congressman Sean Patrick Maloney, the first openly gay man elected to the House of Representatives from New York.

Maloney, who represents New York’s 18th district, is chairman of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee.

Polls currently show Maloney trailing his Republican challenger, Assemblyman Mike Lawler.

The 18th district is ranked by the Cook Partisan Voter Index as having a one-point Republican lean. Donald Trump won the district in 2016, 49.0% to 47.1%, but lost it to Biden in 2020 by five points.

While Rabbi Twersky resides in New Square, a heavily Hasidic enclave in Rockland County, some of his followers living in neighboring counties included in the 18th district.

During the call, President Biden offered his assistance in the future.

“You will have an open door to my administration,” Rockland Daily quoted Biden as telling the rabbi.


Anonymous said...

While the article is correct that Maloney currently represents the 18th district, due to redistricting he is running in the new 17th district.

Perhaps it would be worth writing about the ranking and PVI of the district that the race is actually going to be taking place in.

Yanki L. said...

“You will have an open door to my administration, and I will open the doors of any of your followers prison cell and set them free"