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Wednesday, June 22, 2022

Charedim follow Arab "shita" of using violence against a Kosher Cell Phone Store Because they refuse to cave to extortion


Draft them all to the army!  

Another Charedi protest against a cell phone store turned violent on Tuesday.

Several protesters were arrested after they smashed the store’s front door and glass, and clashed with police officers.

Hundreds of Charedim attended the protest. Posters around the city called on the public to demonstrate against “isolated cell phone shops which remain unsupervised and a threat to the city’s residents”.

According to the Kikar Shabbos website, organizers claimed that the store sells defective devices, but in fact the store refuses to pay for kosher supervision from the “Communications Vaad”, yet insists on selling kosher devices.

The “mostly peaceful” demonstration turned violent when protesters tried to break into the store and eventually smashed the front door. A number of people were injured due to shattered glass.

The storeowner posted a video on social media blasting the protesters, saying: “Complete vandalism. Breaking our door…violent people, this is not religion, not Judaism, this is nothing, it’s against everything we know.”

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