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Thursday, May 12, 2022

Muslim Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib blames Israel for death of Al Jazeera journalist during firefight, Even though Videos from Arabs themselves prove that the savages did it themselves


US-Palestinian Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib (D-Mi) blamed Israel for the death of an Al Jazeera journalist who was killed during a firefight between IDF forces and Arab terrorists in the Jenin area Wednesday morning.

"When will the world and those who stand by Apartheid Israel that continues to murder, torture and commit war crimes finally say: "Enough"?" Tlaib wrote on Twitter. "Shireen Abu Akleh was murdered by a government that receives unconditional funding by our country with zero accountability."

"POTUS, an American journalist clearly marked with press credentials was murdered. Doing and saying nothing just enables more killings. Whether you're Palestinian, American, or not, being killed with US funding must stop.

Shireen Abu Aqleh was killed when a group of heavily armed terrorists opened fire on IDF troops operating in the Jenin area, sparking a firefight. The IDF said that the forces came under heavy fire and that explosives were thrown at them.

US State Department Spokesman Ned Price condemned the killing of Aqleh, but without assigning blame.

Palestinian Authority Forensic Medicine Institute Director Dr. Rayyan Al Ali said following the beginning of the autopsy that "it cannot be determined whether [Aqleh] was killed by Israeli fire or by a Palestinian bullet." which is an outrageous lie, as forensics can  determine the bullet used 

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