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Sunday, October 10, 2021

Majority of severe illness are unvaccinated coronavirus patients


The number of coronavirus deaths on Saturday surpassed 7,900, as the number of new cases continued to plummet, Israel's Health Ministry said Sunday morning.

As of Sunday morning, Israel had seen 7,904 coronavirus-related deaths since the start of the pandemic, including five people who died Friday, seven who died Saturday, and two who died Sunday.

On Saturday, 1,023 new coronavirus cases were diagnosed, bringing the number of active cases nationwide to 28,159. Of the 674 coronavirus patients who are hospitalized, the vast majority - 463 - are in serious condition, and 222 of those are in critical condition. A total of 186 coronavirus patients are intubated.

Among those who are in serious condition and under age 60 years of age, 5.7 people per 100,0000 are unvaccinated, compared to 0.9 who received one or two doses of the vaccine and 0.3 who received three doses.

Among those in serious condition who are over age 60, 125 per 100,000 are unvaccinated, compared to 21.3 who received either one or two doses and 2.1 who received all three doses.

At the same time, just 1.99% of coronavirus test results received Saturday were positive, down from 2.13% on Thursday and 2.01% on Friday.

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