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Monday, October 4, 2021

Eida Hachreidis Gangsters Protesting Against Chabad in Meron


Every Motzei Shabbos in Meron , Chabad bochrum show a clip of the late Lubavitcher Rebbes saying a "sicha'!

This doesn't bode well for the "Eida Hachreidah" hooligans and bullies, so they protested against the clip of the Rebbe.

None of the "eida" leaders come anywhere close to the Lubavitcher rebbe, not in learning nor in spirituality. Their leaders are by in large aged and totally out of it and they drag them kicking and screaming to their meaningless and irrelevant protests .....

So they try to stay relevant by protesting other frum Jews. The eida hooligans are also against other Jews that actually want Moshiach to come, that bothers them. 

1 comment:

Litvak said...

Jews for Menahem!!!!