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Wednesday, June 2, 2021

Irony of Ironies ... The Arab Abbas Won't Join Coalition if there are any PRO-LGBT Support


I have to laugh, when the Chareidie parties were negotiating to be part of the coalition, never was there any discussion about LGBT issues ... they could care less as long as the moisdois were getting the shekels, even though you would think that Chareidim care about Chillul Shabbos, Giyus and LGBT issues ... it wasn't on the agenda and never came up in discussions ...
 it looks like it takes an Arab to push "religious" issues...

United Arab List (Ra'am) Chairman MK Mansour Abbas has stated his demands insisted that the new government not include in its basic principles any laws which support the LGBT community.

The proposed government would be comprised of seven parties: Yesh Atid, Yamina, Yisrael Beytenu, Labor, Meretz, Blue and White, and New Hope. However, since it would only number 57 MKs, it would require outside support, which Yesh Atid has requested that the United Arab List, with its four seats, provide.

Abbas' demands will require that several of the center-left parties significantly compromise on the LGBT issue if they wish to form a government without Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

Another of Abbas' demands, which is still under discussion, includes the cancellation of the Kaminetz Law and the normalization of the illegal construction in the Arab sector.

Two other issues which the parties still disagree on are the division of the position of Attorney General, and whether Yesh Atid or New Hope should receive the Communications Ministry.

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