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Thursday, October 8, 2020

Heshy Tischler the "Jewish Al Sharpton" Provoking Violence Against Fellow Frum Jews .... Crowd Calls a Frum Jew "Hitler" & "Nazi"


Al Sharpton, the Black antisemite, has a lot to learn from Tischler .... you see Al only instigated violence on whites and never provoked violence on his own black community, whereas Tischler instigates stoning and beating up his own fellow Jews ..... 
Make no mistake the video below isn't "Kristalnacht"in Berlin  NOOOOOO!
This is Boro-Park ... Jew against Jew!
 Jewish Al is always screaming : "Come get me"
I believe that he will finally get his wish!

A reporter and member of the Hasidic community in Borough Park was cornered and threatened Wednesday night as protests against New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s new restrictions on areas experiencing COVID upticks continued in Borough Park.

Jacob Kornbluh, a Hasidic Jew and a political reporter at Jewish Insider, said in a tweet that he was “brutally assaulted, hit in the head and kicked at by an angry crowd of hundreds of community members of the Boro Park protest.” Kornbluh said he planned to press charges.


He said Heshy Tischler, a local figure who has become a leader of the movement to defy COVID restrictions, had “ordered the crowd to chase me down the street.”


Video posted to Twitter by Jake Offenhartz, a reporter for Gothamist, showed a large crowd gathered around Kornbluh with Tischler at the center, shouting in Kornbluh’s face while unmasked. “You’re a moser,” Tischler is seen screaming. “Everybody scream moser!”


“Moser” is a Jewish legal term for one who informs on Jews to the secular authorities, and some Jewish legal authorities suggest that a “moser” is subject to the death penalty. 


Kornbluh and Mordy Getz, a Hasidic businessman, had been called “mosers” in an anonymous flyer that circulated in April after they spoke out about the need to wear masks and follow social distancing guidelines. Tischler had called Kornbluh a “moser” and a “rat” in a video he posted to Instagram earlier Wednesday from a cemetery.


The incident comes just one day after Getz’s brother, also a member of the Hasidic community, was beaten up after taking videos of Tuesday night’s protests. The conflicts and the protests mark a new defiant phase in the Hasidic Orthodox community’s response to government-imposed restrictions due to the pandemic.


Where Tuesday night’s protest targeted New York authorities who are cracking down on large gatherings, including at synagogues, and mask-wearing, Wednesday’s protest looked and felt more like a rally to support President Donald Trump. People at the event carried large Trump flags and signs.


“I want to thank the police officers who helped us so much tonight. Blue lives matter,” Tischler said, speaking from a stage over a sound system to loud cheers. 


By 11 pm, police attempted to disperse the large crowd but many refused to leave the area.


Tischler publicized the gathering  on social media Tuesday night and Wednesday as a show of civil disobedience to counter new restrictions announced by Cuomo in areas with upticks in cases of COVID-19.


Several Jewish political leaders immediately tweeted in support of Kornbluh. “What an embarrassment/Chilul HaShem. Disgusting behavior!” Jason Greenblatt, the former White House Middle East envoy, wrote, using the Hebrew term for desecration of God’s name.


“Reprehensible attack–instigated by a CANDIDATE FOR CITY COUNCIL–against a courageous journalist who has dared to stand up for public health throughout this pandemic,”


Mark Levine, a member of the New York City Council, wrote. “There must be accountability for this vile act.”


Inside Info said...

A well connected askan told me in the summer already that he heard from inside City Hall the NYPD has a thick file on Heshy Pishler committing crimes but are ordered by chicken liver de Blasio to stand down. Mayor Putz is scared of his own shadow to have the creep arrested, because maybe efshar a nobody like Pishler could still generate negative PR when the Putz is trying to get his wife installed as Brooklyn Borough President.


Sit down before you read this, LOL.

Jewish Democrats for Trump said...

Tishler is the new meir kahane. He organized several thousand people to come out and protest. Where are our so called leaders who hide everything under the rug just for funding. The president of the United States loved the protests in Boro park. In fact as you know he retweeted against Deblasio. Kudos to jews like Tishler. He has a very strong backing. The people love him.

chusid101 said...

Kornbluh is working against the wishes of the community. Reminding us of the “Kapos”. He has no place among us and should leave immediately.

Anonymous said...

Where were these city council members when thousands of peaceful protesters sack ed midtown Manhattan a few months ago?
Even fat Jerry Wadler spoke up now that he's got nobody to impeach. Remind fat Jerry that it's all a myth....

Anonymous said...

This shmuck is singlehandedly causing a massive chillul hashem, and it must be condemned by every Jewish orthodox organization. I will give him the benefit of the doubt that he is not playing with a full deck, but this must stop. What has been going on in Borough Park the last couple of nights is making every orthodox Jew look really bad.

Anonymous said...

@Chusid 101 if doing everything in his power to get the chassidim to wear masks and follow the law of the land, not cause a chillul hashem, and actually be considerate of ben adom lechavero, reminds you of the "Kapos" you are free to move back to Hungary or Poland or wherever you or your parents/grandparents came from. You don't have to agree with everything this government does, and it is your right to protest peacefully without breaking any laws, but this is a medina shel chessed, and we are only guests in this land, don't abuse it..To violently attack another person and to create a massive chillul hashem in any form is shameful. If you and your buddies don't like it in America you can get out of this country.

Anonymous said...

DIN. Please correct me if I'm wrong. It seems to me that you are still stuck in the covid information we had at the beginning stages. It was a time of confusion, people were dying, We didn't know of any remedy to treat the virus. I will agree that at that time people in our community were disrespecting this great health concern, and unfortunately we paid the price.....
At this time we are pretty much advanced in understanding the virus, as well as treatment for the virus.
There are many many points to point out about our current knowledge, and if you go through all the points, your assumption of the situation may be different.
I will just point out some of them.
1) the death rate plummeted way below the annual flu breakouts.
2) most of us are immune. Boro Park infection rate is 3869 per 100,000 Corona Queens 4661 per 100,000. The list goes on and on. I'm sure if everybody will retest themselves, the rate per 100,000 would plummet much lower because most of us already had the virus.
long comment I restricted here. Will continue in next comment

Anonymous said...

3) people who are vulnerable can easily protect themselves, similar to any person who is going through chemotherapyand they must protect themselves because of lower immune system.
4) thousands of people in our community used hydroxychloroquine in combination with azithromycin and zinc. It is clear to everybody including every single doctor I spoke to that this is a very powerful treatment for most people who have the virus. Many doctors openly told me that it is pure politics that they prohibit doctors from writing the prescription. Remember.. on a regular day a MD has the right to prescribe medications even if that specific medicine is not directly designed for that illness. But because of politics they made sure to threaten the doctors and prohibiting them from prescribing it.
Now they're saying that hydroxychloroquine can be lethal. And they managed to scare people from taking it. They're saying that there is no clinical evidence about it...
most medications if you read the label you will see the side effects. every time somebody goes through any treatment or surgery they are taking a small risk of medication clashing with their system. A person and his doctor have to be able to weigh their pros and cons if they want to go through that surgery or that medication treatment. Tiny flu that they gave a couple years ago also has many warnings, read that label please.
Why do we need a clinical evidence that this medication works? thousands of people in our community tested the medication and it worked!
I have a high risk family member in England he has diabetes plus a heart disease plus many many other health complications. We are constantly worried for his life. He was hospitalized with coronavirus in April. His family had no access to him, but they were able to send kosher food. They slipped in the hydroxychloroquine in his sandwich I believe. Guess what??!! A couple of days later he was home.
No Mayor de Blasio explained that he needs to crack down on our community, but at the same time when asked about the protests, he explained that protests are different because of the great racist concerns and discrimination concerns!?
Just this week I visited a spot in Brooklyn and we saw about 40 MYPD rookies training on bicycle maneuvers. None of them were wearing masks!!
Is much more to talk about this, but the bottom line is that if you would take politics out of this, this wouldn't be considered a crisis anymore than the regular flu that hits us annually. There is no reason to keep so many children home and to shut down so many businesses.
One more thing I left out. PLAZMA!! Anybody heard of that? This is a treatment using blood of people who are immune to the virus and they have antibodies. Now, nobody in the media is talking that thousands of our community donated plasma and saving peoples lives, but one more thing about this is that we all understand that if someone had the virus he is not a threat to infect other people anymore. So why can't I have a certificate exempting me from wearing a mask since I already have antibodies??
Any of the above does not justify violence. It doesn't matter if it's a Jew on a brother or on a stranger! This is not who we are. You will always find a nutcase or two who lose control and they start violence, but this is not really what we are worrying about because this would be only a few uncontrolled people. But overall there's enough reason for us not to be concerned about social distancing, especially when our elderly or vulnerable are aware of it, and if we see someone trying to social distance everybody respects it.
So DIN, I would ask you should try to do your full research on this whole situation, that might change the way you are so critical of our community about it.
Thank you.

Dusiznies said...

I hear what you are saying and I don't know .... maybe you are right but if you are wrong, we are in big trouble ...
The point of this post is that Heshy Tischler is doing us a great disservice ... his antics have been reported in the world news ... not the local news ... and not even national news but it is being reported throughout the world and from the comments on those sites I can tell you that he has not gotten one guy to be sympathetic to his cause or to the Jewish people..he is a dangerous maniac and must be stopped ....
The riots in Boro-Park make us look similar to the BLM riots ...
I read reports from all over the world news and the goyim are getting very upset ....

Dusiznies said...

also I am prepared to post your comments as an individual post and see what people say ..

Olderjew said...

Are you aware of the time Heshy spent at Otisville. Not as a visitor but as an inmate.