Thursday, October 29, 2020

Agudath Israel of America: "Zionism Incompatible with Charedi Belief"

The Agudah thinks that by making this outrageous statement, Satmar will now love them....

At a time when we need the State of Israel more than ever, a time when most Jews in the world  now live in Israel, a time where Goyishe leaders like Cuomo and DeBalssio stab them in the back and in the front, they come up with this to stay relevant... is an act against the Jewish People themselves!

This is a slap in the face to hundreds and thousands of Gedoiei Yisrael that were Zionists, many Gedoilim like the "Netziv" founded the Zionist movement ...

They claim that they issued this statement because of the "organizational statements of the WZO" .... interesting.... just weeks ago the Agudah and other Chareidie Organizations were pushing Chareidie Jews to become members of the WZO so they can lay their hands on 5 billion dollars..... 

Why come with this statement now? When we are in an election? 

 The Biden/Harris anti-semites will now jump on this stating that even Jews do not recognize the State so why should any goy?

I know many on the Executive board  personally.... they are by-in-large very naive Flatbush "machers" ... who want to remain relevant and want to seduce the Satmar brothers ... 

who hate them anyway ...

And I'll let you into a little secret ... SHHHH don't tell anyone

Satmar and the Agudah work together all the time...they are on the same page on all issues ... I repeat all issues! can walk into the Agudah offices on any day and you will see Satmar askanim there all the time.. take it from me, I worked with the Agudah many years ago on getting funds to Yeshivos... Satmar ran the meetings, and the Agudah lawyers were crouching in their seats like reprimanded puppies ..... Satmar uses the Agudah because the Aguda guys are shaven and wear suits ...and so they are the face of Satmar in Washington and in Albany.

The Agudah wouldn't dare reprimand Satmar for their huge protests against the Jewish State ..where was the Agudah letter when Satmar Rebbe made a huge chillul Hashem writing letters to Congress to state that Chareidim back the murderous Iran deal? 

Shame on them...

Agudath Israel of America on Wednesday released a statement in which it emphasized that “Any suggestion that the ideology of Zionism is compatible with Chareidi Jewry’s fundamental beliefs has no basis and must be rejected.”

“Recent organizational statements from representatives of the Zionist movement have implied that Chareidi Jews have accepted the Jerusalem Program of the World Zionist Organization. This Program, which is a statement of the Zionist ideology, declares Zionism to be ‘the national liberation movement of the Jewish people’ and avers to ‘the centrality of the State of Israel . . . in the life of the nation.’

“The Jewish people is a nation based on the belief in One Hashem and the Torah He gave us, and nothing else. By omitting this truth, the Jerusalem Program – and the Zionist ideology it embodies – attempt to redefine the essence of the Jewish people as a political entity similar to all other nations of the world. This redefinition goes against the essence of our emunah and mesorah.

“Among the foundational principles upon which the Torah giants of the past century established the Agudas Yisroel movement was the firm rejection of the Zionist redefinition of Jewish peoplehood. Throughout its history Agudas Yisroel has remained faithful to that essential principle, and it will continue to do so. We therefore reiterate: Any suggestion that the ideology of Zionism is compatible with Chareidi Jewry’s fundamental beliefs has no basis and must be rejected.

“Also without basis is the notion that a party identifying itself as representing Chareidi Jews has the authority to sign a coalition agreement within the World Zionist Congress together with other Jewish parties including non-Orthodox religious groups, as happened last week. Chareidi Jewry has long abided by the halachic ruling of the most revered Torah leaders of a generation ago that it is forbidden to join Jewish organizations whose purpose is to bring Orthodox Jewry together with non-Orthodox under one organizational umbrella. What happened last week at the World Zionist Congress transgresses the spirit of that ruling, and represents a departure from accepted Chareidi norms. Whatever financial benefits may accrue to worthy institutions as a result of this coalition agreement, they do not justify the abandonment of principle.

“At a time when there is so much confusion in our Jewish world, it is essential that we Chareidim remind ourselves that we stand for principle – and that we cannot stand silently by when fundamental values are distorted.”

Agudath Israel emphasized, however, that their statement was simply “a reiteration of our movement’s longstanding theological stance, in this case on Zionism,” and “does not mean [...] that we reject in any way our fellow Jews who may not recognize” the Torah as “the ultimate definer and unifier of the Jewish people.”

“No Jews are less beloved to us for that lack of recognition.”

“The statement also does not mean that we reject Israel as an illegitimate state to be resisted. Israel’s existence is a fact, and we uphold the guidance of Gedolim through the years who have counseled religious Jews to participate in her democratic process, through voting, representation in the Knesset and respect for Israeli law. And, as always, Agudath Israel of America will advocate in the halls of government for Israel’s security and economic needs and general welfare.

“And, most importantly, the statement is not intended to – and does not – in any way injure Jewish unity. On the contrary, it fosters it, in its reminding to all Jews that, as Rav Saadia Gaon famously declared: ‘The Jewish nation is a nation only by virtue of the Torah,’” Agudath Israel concluded.




Litvak said...

Please correct your headline to be more accurate. It should read:

"Agudath Israel of America rejects the Zionist redefinition of Jewish peoplehood"

You don't have to be "haredi" (whatever that means today) to agree with this!

Dusiznies said...

That is not my headline .....
It's the Headline from Agudah ...
Speak to Shloimie Wediger aboyt that..

Anonymous said...

......“The Jewish people is a nation based on the belief in One Hashem and the Torah He gave us, and nothing else.....

Not even Eretz Yisroel? My Torah says : HKBH , Am Yisroel and ERETZ YISROEL chad..!!
My Torah is chock full of mitzvos that can be performed only in EY , even Bazman hazeh…. So , whose Torah you talking about ?

"......the Zionist ideology it embodies – attempt to redefine the essence of the Jewish people as a political entity similar to all other nations of the world. This redefinition goes against the essence of our emunah and mesorah….."
Really !? …. Even religious Zionists ? And so how come religious Knesset members are in government ?? … You're varfing in your used pot, all leftovers , stirring it with your lies , and getting some dude to write this BullSpit statement. Your statement is a not-so clever disingenuous shtick malarkey..!!

This Agudah ideology which has refused to join with religious Zionism over 100 years , thereby dissuading Jews to save their lives and make Aliyah , is no longer relevant.
Agudah is going broke : They're pasting ads for money ..
You Agudah Nudniks are the once hot and expensive Barbie Dolls , which are now advertised on eBay , and nobody's buying..

Disband ..!!! Close down Beekman ST. !!
President Trump , thru G-D Almighty is making peace there , thereby saving potentially hundreds of Jewish lives !!! They're running to make Shalom with the Jewish State and open business.... Trump has basically destroyed the PLO and BDS movement... Now more people can learn Torah there than anywhere in the world.. And you pipsqueaks don't give a damn.. OPEN MIRACLES,,, And you ignore it..!!You're THISCLOSE to being Apikorsim..!!
One of your rabbis openly supported Laughing Hyena CAMELla and mocked a singer who sang for Trump..!!
None of us care...
1500 of Jewish NY cars and thousand more caravaned last week..
Our message is clear..!!
We don't care ANYMORE what you , your anit-Israel clergy , your "Daas Torah" statements have to say … !!!
We left your stinking, sinking boat... !!!!!

Derby …. edited by Welwel (velvel) and Wilda (vilda ) Chaya

Yehudi said...

 ע"פ קביעת הרמב''ם להלכה   אין בין עוה"ז לימות המשיח אלא שיעבוד מלכיות בלבד


הציפוי והחוכוי על ביאת המשיח שהמלך המשיח  יבוא ויחזיר מלכות בית דוד ליושנה כממשלה הראשונה,  והוא דבר שאין רשות  אדם אחר לעשותו , 

זה הלכה ויסוד מעקרי הדת וכל מי שאינו מאמין בו או מי שאינו מחכה לביאתו או משתתף בשלטון ישראל קודם ביאתו הוא כופר

Anonymous said...

Dear Litvak:
I'm not Chareidi and DISAGREE.
Your Gafons had a chance to flood the yishuv with frum people in the early 20th century but did not.
The chilonim prepared your way ( there were some frum too ).
They planted, destroyed malaria , sacrificed their lives ... and prepared for the greatest Torah learning in the world ,. Don't criticize... Read history .. and for all sake ... DON'T LIE ....

yidlmitnfidl said...

Where is the pressing need to trumpet out such an asinine declaration?
Did we conquer Covid19 yet and have extra time on our hands?
Is Antisemitism already a thing of the past?
But our Gedolim said, our Gedolim said...
I'll give you a glimpse on our Gedolim:
Rabbi Wachtfogel at the verge of the Covid outbreak had nothing more pressing to do than to be Melamed Chov on Klal Yisroal, with a special venom poured out on the older generation, a handful of Auschwitz survivors.
Are you serious? I'll give him an well meaning Eitzah: Go back to your Gemoro!
And to the Agudah "Askonim", always in frantic search of some purpose: Go back to your Daf Yomi and prepare for the next Siyum in six and a half years.

Yehudi said...
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Anonymous said...

The Jewish people is a nation based on the belief in One Hashem and the Torah He gave us, and nothing else. By omitting this truth, the Jerusalem Program – and the Zionist ideology it embodies – attempt to redefine the essence of the Jewish people as a political entity similar to all other nations of the world. This redefinition goes against the essence of our emunah and mesorah.

Hey guys, pleeeeze help me out... I didn't drink my 3rd cup of Java Joe yet and I can't remember where we heard this before..
Oh yeah ..!!!!
Here's Nachbi ben Vofsi :
You blithering asses, you.
We have a Torah... Sit here with your Manna and learn it.. We have ONE G-D..
We help you.. we be your spokesmen..
Ya know what's in EY?? Canaanim, avoda zara , Giants ... watta matter with you peons ?? We are your gedolim, jitterbugs !!!
" Yeah, but what about mitzvos hatliot b'aare....?? Shut up you chagovim..!! Right, we all be chagovim leaders ..

Notice Agudah preaching this today... with millions of Jews learning and doing mitzvos IN EY..
Cha Cha de Chazente

Anonymous said...

In short, and to the point:
Last Sunday in Brooklyn, Manhattan , Monsey and LI , thousand of Jews rolled out with cars, music, Trump banners , USA flags and Israeli flags... and gave you and your think-a-likes the proverbial middle finger..
AND WHAT ??????????..!!!!!!!
de Heen and de Hoon

Dusiznies said...

I love these guys who choose an pick from the Rambam when it suits them...
Hey would you go up to the Har Habayis? Well the Rambam found no problem going up..

Do you know that the Yerushalmi holds that we should build the Bais Hamikdash now before Moshiach comes?
ירושלמי מעשר שני פרק ה' הלכה ב' ראה תוספות יום טוב שם פרק ה משנה ב

Also see Rashi ישעיה נט .כ
כל זמן שישראל משאירים את הארץ חריבה, מלך המשיח לא יבוא.
Also see the Radak תהילים קמו ...ג. ד"ה אל
הגאולה העתידית תתחיל בקיבוץ גלויות ישראל ברשיון האומות

Also see the Grah קול התור פרק א סעיף ז
Where he states that Moshiach will בםצק on "condition" that Jews make Aliyah and build up the land ..
סוכה מצוותה תעשה ולא מן העשוי אף ציון כך
כל זמן שציון אינה בנויה עדיין הגואל לא בא
see סעיף ג
where the Grah who saw your Rambam writes
תתחיל האתחלתא דגאולה באתערותא דלתתא כמו שהיה בימי כורש...ותהיה ברשיון מלכי האומות ואחר כך תבוא שלמות הגאולה

now even the Arab nations have recognized Israel

what about the following from the Igerres Harambam where the Rambam wrote that Jews should make Alyah without waiting for Moshiach... do you hold that too?
ואחר כך שילך לארץ ישראל לשכון ולא יעמוד בשום פנים במקום השמד, וכל העומד שם הרי הוא עובר, ומחלל שם שמים והוא קרוב למזיד
בל אלו שמפתים עצמם ואומרים שיעמדו במקומם עד שיבוא מלך המשיח למעריב, ואחר יצאו וילכו לירושלים.. אלו עוברים הם בעיני ומרמים עצמם ומחטיאים זולתם

Just love these guys that will quote Rambams to back the irrelevant Agudah