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Thursday, April 23, 2020

While Monsey Askanim Are Silent About Secret Minyanim .... The Virus in Monsey is Skyrocketing

While Rome is burning, Askanim are playing with their fiddles"
I was on social media yesterday and saw how "leaders" and "askanim"of the Monsey and Rockland County communities are bad mouthing and supporting bullies that are terrorizing those who are begging their neighbors to follow the rules.. not go to minyanim...
Instead of putting their efforts into protecting their constituents that are unfortunately succumbing to the virus, instead of calling out those who are secretly making minyanim, spreading disease and death in Monsey and its environs .... they hang out on social media in an effort to squash dissent ..they say .... Oh that's "Moitzeh Shem Ra" and are personally attacking me for publishing the truth!
One of the askanim was forced to take down his message that warned of the dire consequences of people congregating ...stating that his posting of a threatening photo that Chassidishe terrorists were posting about him and two others was bad mouthing Monsey......hellllllowwww?? Is anyone home? Hey Mr. askin .. if you cannot take the heat, get the hell out of the kitchen... let others that won't be intimidated by these losers take over!
One frum elected leader keeps calling Ed Day an anti-Semite for trying to enforce NYS regulations ....now I am no fan of Ed Day and I actually think he is an anti-semite ..but he didn't kill anyone ... did he? ...... this frum elected leader is a coward because he has yet to make ONE statement that his own constituents are the ones killing their neighbors ......
I understand that they don't want the media to target the frum communities ....now is not the time to deal with this.... now is the time to stop the the spreading of this virus in our community ASAP ... we will deal with the inevitable anti-semites after we catch our collective breath ... 
 Look at the numbers released by NEW YORK STATE ... and weep at what is happening to our community ... people that survived the worst tragedy in Jewish history have succumbed to the virus ... that generation is being decimated with the most painful death .....
Most of this can be prevented .... but the "leaders" are actively covering up for those who are encouraging minyanim and other gatherings .... they refuse to call them out and are trying to intimidate, bully and yes, terrorize people that are trying to stem and minimize the damage ....

Monsey people who unfortunately had the disease are begging and crying that people should adhere to the social distancing regulations...but as long as the "leaders" and "askanim" are deaf to these cries ... and instead fighting against exposing the violaters ... and screaming like fools... "Motze Shem Ra" nothing will be done ! Nothing 

Please G-D ..."When will this misery end?"
Below I highlighted in Red the areas where the frum communities live ...look at the numbers compared to the numbers of the places that aren't inhabited by the frum community..

There have been hundreds of new cases of novel coronavirus (COVID-19) reported in Rockland County as the death toll topped 400, according to the Department of Health.
As of Wednesday, April 22, there have been 9,568 confirmed COVID-19 cases, according to New York State Health officials. There are currently 246 Rockland residents hospitalized from the virus, with 193 possible cases currently under investigation.
Since the outbreak began, there have been 401 COVID-19-related deaths.
A breakdown of cases in Rockland, according to the Rockland Department of Health:

highlighted in Red the areas where the frum communities live 
  •  Spring Valley: 2,160; Monsey: 1,284; New City: 799;Nanuet: 570; Suffern: 489; 
  • Haverstraw: 423; Garnerville: 308; Pomona: 298; Stony Point: 280; Nyack: 261; Pearl River: 290; West Haverstraw: 206; Congers: 197; Valley Cottage: 187; West Nyack: 134; Orangeburg: 108 Tappan: 101; Blauvelt: 84;  Thiells: 72; Sparkill: 43; Sloatsburg: 37; Piermont: 36; Tomkins Cove: 28; Palisades: 25; Hillburn: 21.
There were 474 new COVID-19 deaths reported in New York overnight, bringing the total to 15,302 since the outbreak began 53 days ago. There have been 251,690 confirmed COVID-19 cases statewide.
“This illness is death, and what’s worse than death?" New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo said. "Is there economic hardship? Yes, and it’s very bad, but it’s not death.
"Is there emotional stress from being locked in the house? Still very bad, but it’s not death. Domestic violence reports are increasing, and that’s very bad, but it’s not death.
“This is a profound moment in history. Our actions now will shape our future. We won’t have to wait 10 years for analysis and a retrospective to see how it shaped our future, we’ll see that in three, four, five days.
"It’s that pressing and every decision we make is going to affect how we come out of this and how fast we come out of this.”


Barack Ben chaim said...

The generation that went through the holocaust is wondering in shamayim how we are weaklings. They were in QUARRANTINE for years and would have been envious of are situation.

Anonymous said...

DIN, you write: "..they say .... Oh that's "Moitzeh Shem Ra" and are personally attacking me for publishing the truth!"

Someone already pointed it out to you. Just name and go after the handful of un-elected head capos mafia in each region and they will run like hell.

You will save lots of lives from this virus and many other illnesses, suicides, abuse and their daily enforcements. And take lots of Jews out of their slavery to the smelly gedolim. Who laugh all the way to the bank how easily they can manipulate their followers with their fake dass Torah.

If you beat around the bush and only go after their gofer capos, they will take you down slowly but surely. You can't stop Nazis without taking out Hitler. Or in this case the smelly gedolim and continue to flush them down the toilet.

Anonymous said...


DIN. You don't understand!
All those deaths R"L are NOT from the minyan/mikvah goers - NONE of them them DIED - ONLY those that DON"T go to Minyanim/Mikvaks died.
Get that straight !!!!!

Anonymous said...


The smelly gedolim need you to keep coming or lose control over you.

So go to Minyanim/Mikvaks get infected then go and kill your old and sick family members. Who cares. They don't contribute anything anymore to the smelly gedolim.

Anonymous said...

Michael Savage didn't spare the orthodox

Anonymous said...

Sorry, there are no smelly gidolim. They go to the mikvah everyday and scrub themselves in rhe water for over an hour each morning, while discussing all the nariskiet.
They have to pass the hour of the days. They don't go to work like the rest of us down here.