Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Father of Rav Deutsch the Head of the "Peleg" Crazies Referred to the Establishment of the State as the "Hischalteh De'Geulah"

The Deutsch Brothers... R' Asher and Rav Baruch 
A gigantic scandal has broken out in Israel, after a letter surfaced written by none other than the father of today's leader of the extremist Peleg Yerushalmi faction, Rav Asher Deutsch.

 The letter refers to the establishment of the State of Israel as the "Hischaltah De'Geulah"  the "Beginning of the Redemption." 

The Peleg Yerushalmi extremist faction that keep disrupting traffic in Israel and who refuse to register for the draft was founded by the late Rav Shmuel Auerbach ....

Rav Asher Deutsch took over the leadership of Peleg when Rav Auerbach passed on. Rav Deutsch is even more extreme than Rav Auerbach was ..

 Rav Deutsch's father, Rav Binyomin Zev Deutsch, signed this document  on the 3rd day of Iyur ..1949. 
The late Rav Deutsch was the right hand man to the late Rosh Yeshivah of Ponovitz, Rav Yosef Shlomo Kahanaman.

The letter was addressed to the then Mayor of Bnei-Brak Rav Yitzchok Gerstkorn.... 

The kicker is that the late Rav Binyomin Zev Deutsch wrote that they coordinated  the opening of Ponovitz Yeshiva on ....Yom Hatzmaot! 

In the letter he writes"
"We chose the 5th of Iyur to establish our Yeshiva, the very day that the State was established.

And just like we merited to see the "beginning of the redemption", so may we merit  to see the uplifting of Torah in our Holy Land and to see the complete redemption with the coming of Moshiach .."

"מתכבדים אנו להזכיר למע"כ, כי יום ה' אייר הוא היום שבחר לו לברכה להיות נציב הישיבה - יום הכרזת תקומת ישראל בארצו.
"מי יתן, וכשם שזכינו לראות באתחלתא דגאולה, כן נזכה לראותב הרמת קרן התורה בארצנו הקדושה ובגאולת ישראל השלימה בביאת משיח צדקנו בב"א".
Rav Deutsch is rolling in his grave ... ..
But one thing is very clear
Hashem has a sense of humor!


Anonymous said...



Its a forgery - Of course.........

Satmar Rebbe is really proud of me......

Anonymous said...

@din we need MORE eitz gimmel hock...….

anonymous said...

The word is aschalta

Anonymous said...

You don't know Hebrew. He isn't talking about opening the yeshiva he is talking about the day Mr gershtenkorn chose to dedicate in the yeshiva. The yeshiva was established years earlier.

Brisker said...

DIN, you are among many smart people who missed this point

All of the biggest antagonists of Tzionim say the same thing as part of a cheshbon from a nevuah of reshoyim doing bad things before Moshiach.

There is a 5 Towns rabbi who goes around lecturing on this who really missed the boat because he went through the whole sugya & still can't see the forest for the trees because he only wants to believe what's part of his preconceived agenda. And sadly the way that rabbi handles it is incredibly dumb for someone considered to be a genius.

Dusiznies said...

You are right in the translation ... but you don't write what was behind that letter
The yeshiva was established in Israel in 1944 ...
but the groundbreaking of the New Building was Hay Iyur 1949, hence the blessing and letter
the building was completed in 1954 ...and the president of Israel Yitzchok Ben Tzvi addressed the crowd .