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Thursday, April 2, 2020

When Satmar, Auerbach Craizes, and Zionists are all on the Same Page .......... Free Food Distribution in Yerushalyim


bored stiff said...

You forgot to add that this is all the work of rabbi Efroim Stern, one of the leaders of the ''Radical'' Eidah Hachareidis, and sponsored by Satmar Philanthropists from the Us and Europe.

Dusiznies said...

bored stiff
now that you want to single him out for the credit that he so richly deserves ...
li'l let you into a little secret ....
ready for this?

I know R' Efraim very well ....
and he has told everyone that would listen that every penny that he collects is matched dollar for dollar ....
from guess who?
The Federation and yes ......
The Zionist government in Israel...!
absolutely ...shhhhhhhhh! dont tell them they may rather want to starve than take "treifinie shekels"
The wines are donated by all the Zioinst wine makers .... every single bottle ..
so now let's watch the video together and say with a full heart
מי כעמך ישראל

bored stiff said...

Extreeeemely difficult to believe but as a jew you have a chezkas kashrus so can't say yo're lying...

South African Aliya said...

DIN is absolutely correct ...
In fact my radical family in Shaarei Chesed refuse t take a penny from the "Stern gang" knowing where half the money comes from...
so they and thousands of Aaaralich get the "Chalakah" from "pure sources" and in fact congregated by the thousands in Shaarei Chesed to get their portions and the mishtara stood by and allowed because there were orders from the Mayor to "stand down"
How many of those will unfortunately get sick from the virus will only be known in two weeks
Hashem Yeracheim