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Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Rabbi Rottenberg Defiant ... Keeps His Monsey Shul open ...The Shul Where the Stabbing Took Place

Rabbi Rottenberg, Kosyiner Rebbe, or how some call him the Forshyer Rebbe, is boasting that amidst all regulations, his shul remains open.
He said that the people and the Rabbonim that closed their shuls "don't understand the importance of davening be'zibur."

It was in his house, that R' Yossel Neiman was murdered on Chanukah.....
It seems that one death was not enough in his shul, the good rabbi is looking for more victims ...
The way things are going in Monsey, he won't have to wait too long!

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בית המדרש בו התרחש פיגוע רצחני - עדיין פתוח

למרות אלפי המתים בארה"ב מנגיף ה'קורונה', בבית מדרשו של האדמו"ר מקאסאן במונסי, בו התרחש בחנוכה פיגוע קשה - מסרבים לסגור ואף מתגאים בכך שהמקום עדיין פתוח עולם)

בעוד נגיף ה'קורונה' ממשיך להתפשט ולגבות קורבנות רבים ברחבי ארה"ב בכלל ובקרב התושבים החרדים בפרט, ישנם אחרים שמתנגדים בחריפות רבה לסגירת בתי המדרש והמקוואות בארה"ב, וחלקם אף יצאו בימים האחרונים לתהלוכת מחאה ברחובות השכונות החרדיות בבורו פארק.
אחד מבתי המדרש אשר ממשיך בפעילות רגילה הוא בית מדרשו של האדמו"ר מקאסאן בשכונת פארשעי שבמונסי, שם התרחש בחג החנוכה האחרון פיגוע קשה על רקע אנטישמי, שבו נרצח אחד החסידים ונפצעו עוד כ-15, בזמן שחגגו את החג בביתו של האדמו"ר שממוקם בסמיכות לבית המדרש.
בהקלטה שהגיעה ל'כיכר השבת' נשמע גורם בכיר בחסידות כשהוא זועם על יתר בתי המדרש שנעלו את שעריהם, וכי לדבריו, רובם, כ-22 בתי מדרש, כלל לא רצו לעשות כך, ורק בגלל אילוץ של הרשויות החליטו בסופו של דבר לסגור את בתי הכנסת והמקוואות.
עוד מוסיף הבכיר בחסידות כי הוא שוחח עם כלל הגורמים, אך הוא אינו מרגיש צורך להסביר את עצמו, ובזמן שהם לא עמדו בלחץ, הוא גאה להמשיך ולהפעיל את בית המדרש. 
הבכיר מוסיף ומספר כי הוא שוחח עם בני זוג שלא יצאו מביתם מזה 4 שבועות, ובכל זאת שניהם נדבקו במחלה בגלל שהשתתפו בחתונה משפחתית בחודש שעבר, ולא בגלל שהם השתתפו בתפילות במניין ובאמירת 'אמן יהא שמיה רבא'.
עוד הוא מאשים את חלק מאותם אנשים שסגרו את בתי הכנסיות בכך שהם כלל לא יודעים את חשיבותה של תפילה במניין, וכי הוא עצמו פגש אנשים שלא הלכו לבית הכנסת, אך יצאו לסדר את ענייניהם האישיים, ולדבריו אותם אנשים אינם מתביישים לקרוא לו במילים קשות של 'רוצח' וכו'.


Anonymous said...

are you SURE its STILL open??

ah-pee-chorus said...

Lock up this POS.

just a yid said...

write that it is closed in the article makes no difference why

Dusiznies said...

Its's open right now ... absolutely ...
in this recording which for some reason I have a hard time posting
he mocks Rabbi Reisman ...
he also brings proof ...because an old man told him that he hasn't been in a shul in weeks and yet he and his wife have the virus ....the old man thinks that he got it at a wedding ....
so now the good rabbi has proof that its not from shul..
The Rabbi says that he has a promise from the Gemaarah that he who goes to shul and davens with a minyan will not get it ...
In Israel we know for a fact that over 35% get it in shul ...
He says that he doesn't care if we call him a "rotzach" or a "rodef"
So here goes
He is a Rotzeach and a murderer...

Old Timer said...

Maybe he is just limiting it to 10 people? 10 and under is still legal.

Anonymous said...

There is no Greater Chillul Hashem than spitting in G-ds face. If he wants to kill himself so be it, but to play G-d with others sould should be an indictable offence.

Romanisher Ferd said...

Do you want to bet that Cuomo the Homo will let the Shvartza out of prison who may pay another visit to the Kossoner beis medrash?

Cuomo the Homo has already let out a bunch of convicted child rapists so that they nebich don't risk the 6 tenths of 1% chance that they could die from the virus.

Law enforcement was not even notified of the releases. This has Police Chiefs hopping mad and taxpayers furious that the pedophiles are being put up in expensive hotels!

Sholi Katz said...

Going against ALL the infectious disease doctors:

The couple that was claimed caught the virus that did not go out for 4 weeks – After a person catches the virus it will come out in 2 - maximum 14 days, and by most will come out in 5-7 days. (that is why after Purim when the Charedi community was ignoring the warnings, to many it showed up a week later) To argue 4 weeks? - means you can get the virus just like that - without meeting anyone. In other words, why stay away from people when you can get it by itself, you might as well come to shul.

Secrets that no one else knows - (second time recently claiming such a scenario)

The CDC, Town of Rockland, Hatzolah, Governor's office are all telling us not to congregate in shul because it is dangerous and adds to the chance someone else can pick it up from a sidder, table etc. and pass it on and maybe kill an elderly person. However, all these agencies and gov’t officials told the Rabbonim in private, it is okay to get together. This that they “officially” say not to congregate - is just a farce, meant for the fools down below.

“Maybe” the people refraining from going to shul are bringing the virus on us

No need to respond ! Same idea to blame the holocaust on Zionism after they told everyone to stay put.

When did two wrongs make one right?

If a person is going nilly willy to the post office, then you can go everywhere else. First of all because showing us one fool, does not mean all of us have to become fools. The fact that we must eat if not we would all die, as the woman are very cautious as they do things that are necessary and essential to live, like going to a grocery store. To use this, claiming we can than also gather in shul does not add up. Anything we can do to “minimize” spreading the virus we must do, and shul is a place we can minimize the chance by not going - Where does halacha say we must take a chance on life to go to shul?

A PLEA for saving lives – On Yom kipper we allow several people if need be to desecrate the day, for even a “very slight” chance we will save a life. That is the halacha, “Live with it and not die for it”. With the extremely easy way the Corona virus spreads, even for a slight chance of catching it in shul - should we not daven at home to minimize the chances? Why can’t we think of it like a person that collapsed on Yom kipper and do the right thing and maybe save precious Yiddisha neshumas.


1 - In the frum community almost all that are dying are men, much more than the general population. Is that not something to observe, men are the ones going to shul every day. Can’t reason and logic play a role in our thinking?

2 – The more modern frum communities in Passaic, Englewood, 5 towns, Yeshiva University etc. are not suffering as much as our charedi community. They closed the shuls when it was just a “suggestion” by the gov’t. It is staring us in face and we can’t see - The blind leading the blind!

QUESTION – How much is even one Yiddish neshuma (or even goyisha life) worth??? Yashem Yerachim!

Sholi Katz

Anonymous said...

They should have a cop taking the IDs of or photographing all those who enter the shul and inform them that in the event that they require Hatzoloh and/or hospital admittance, they will be placed at the bottom of the priority list.

Let people who willingly risk their own lives not come before those who took the necessary precautions and caught this virus unwittingly. You make your bed and you sleep in it!

Unknown said...

Halachically, one is not allowed to kill even one person.

Unknown said...

Someone once said that when the satan wants to make a frum person sin, he doesn't try to get him to eat pork.

He knows that the frum person won't be tempted.

Instead, he'll try to convince him that the sin is really a mitzvah.

For example, he'll try to convince him that it's a mitzvah to gather together Jews for a minyan during a plague.

Unknown said...

No, 10 and under is not legal. No one may gather in any numbers for any reason

Anonymous said...

This problem will eventually correct itself. Will just need a lot of body bags.

Anonymous said...

The wife of one of his regular mispallelim was niftar today...

Anonymous said...

You moron. They have both been staying home not going to shul. There goes your theory that she got it from her husband who got it at shul