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Sunday, March 15, 2020

The Arab Joint List Unanimously Recommend Gantz ..... May Form Government Tomorrow!

All 15 members of the Joint List at noon Sunday recommended Benny Gantz as their preferred candidate for forming the next government in their consultation with President Rivlin.

Chairman Ayman Odeh told the President
 "We had a tough argument. Balad had a opposing position on the recommendation. At the same time, Balad made a courageous decision which was essentially the unity of the Joint List and the adoption of the decision of the majority. "

Following the recommendation of the Joint List, Gantz is expected to win 61 recommendations and will thus receive the mandate to form the government already tomorrow or the day after.

In such a situation, Gantz will be able to act swiftly to replace the Knesset Speaker, and Blue and White will receive chairmanship of the arrangements committee, enabling it to regulate Knesset activities.

Knesset control is expected to give Gantz a significant advantage in any future negotiations for the establishment of a unity government.

But that's if Lieberman joins ... which is up in the air ... as of this posting!

A word from the Derby 
"Now it's announced that the Arab Joint List will support Ganz and form a leftist anti-Jewish State government. 

The Arabs will get posts and positions even in the security and intelligence departments. The frum crowd shares blame in this fiasco. So many chilonim were turned off by the wild demonstrations on the streets, destruction of property, interrupting peoples' lives and livelihood because of a sham draft protest. Few rabbonim protested this outrage publicly. Who knows how many supported this chillul Hashem privately . Some tacitly supported this gangsterism .. 
Are you listening, Lakewood & Chaim Berlin ??? 
The Israelis soured on the chareidim and voted Blue & White because of it. The chareidi parties offered nothing but negativity and stupidity in how to fight the battle of chillul Shabbat.. . 
What a disaster this could be... Hashem Yeracheim. 

Derby continues.......
I witnessed the following on Shabbat afternoon on Strauss St. Jerusalem a few summers ago: A group of chilonim with megaphones were gathered on a corner with posters demanding freedom from religious coercion. For the record, I'm strongly against this and stand in complete opposition. 

Diagonally across the street on the other corner, were yeshiva boys with the big hats and flowing tzitzis screaming back " SHABBOS !! "and some other choice words.. Most other frum people, men and women, to their credit just observed the scene out of curiosity and said nothing. 
I ask you : What on earth are Bnei Torah doing on a street corner shouting and screaming on a Shabbos afternoon and wasting time? Why weren't they in Beis Hamidrash learning or saying Perek on a summer Shabbos? Who allowed them to be mevazeh Shabbos in public? A well thought out response would have pushed for a weekday display. Figure it out, ye talmidei chachamim. So here I am , a frum ordinary zhlub, who's actually on their side but now totally turned off. What hangs in my mind is this one behatted and betzitzitted screamer with a flaming orange beard bellowing at the top of his lungs..... for the 20 minutes I was there… and possibly for hours. the Derby
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I witnessed the following on Shabbat afternoon onStrauss St. Jerusalem a few summers ago:
A group of chilonim with megaphones were gathered on a corner with posters demanding freedom from religious coercion. For the record, I'm strongly against this and stand in complete opposition.
Diagonally across the street on the other corner, were yeshiva boys with the big hats and flowing tzitzis screaming back " SHABBOS !! "and some other choice words..
Most other frum people, men and women, to their credit just observed the scene out of curiosity and said nothing.

I ask you : What on earth are Bnei Torah doing on a street corner shouting and screaming on a Shabbos afternoon and wasting time? Why weren't they in Beis Hamidrash learning or saying Perek on a summer Shabbos? Who allowed them to be mevazeh Shabbos in public? A well thought out response would have pushed for a weekday display. Figure it out, ye talmidei chachamim.
So here I am , a frum ordinary zhlub, who's actually on their side but now totally turned off.
What hangs in my mind is this one behatted and betzitzitted screamer with a flaming orange beard bellowing at the top of his lungs..... for the 20 minutes I was there… and possibly for hours.

the Derby