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Sunday, February 24, 2019

Day Yoimie Snippets ... Chullin 82, 83, 84,85,86,87, & 88

A great opportunity for the entire family, to share some thoughts on the daf ...  the  family feels united by discussing what the head of the house is studying.
I try to break it down so that everyone can understand it .... 
You can copy and print this without my consent, since Torah belongs to all of us..... 

See  previous Daf Yoimie Snippets 

This week's "Daf Yoimie Snippets Sponsored For the Refuah Shliemah of צארטל בת אסתר מלכה 

"דף פ''ב "התנא סומכוס        
Page 82  Mesectas Chullin  
"The Tanna Sumchus" 
The Tanna Sumchus, lived in the generation of Reb Yehudah Hanasie, which was the last generation of Rabbis given the title "Tanna."

When Reb Yehuda Hanasie redacted the Mishna, he included the Halachos of Sumchus. Sumchus was the primary student of Reb Meir, and his father's name was Yoisef.

Reb Yoichanan testified that Sumchus would be able to give 48 different reasons on each  item declared "Tuma.", and was able to give 48 different reasons of each item labeled "Tehara."

One of the known Halachos authored by Sumchus is:
ממון המוטל בספק -חולקין 
In other words: 
"In a case where two people claim that certain money is theirs... 
and we have a doubt to who the real owner is  ... the money is divided amongst the litigants."

His famous statement was: 
(כל המאריך ב''אחד (בקריאת שמע
 -מאריכין לו ימיו ושנותיו
"Anyone who concentrates while saying Krias Shema is guaranteed long life"

Press "read more" immediately below to continue to the rest of the dafim!

"דף פ''ג "המוכר שתי בהמות -אם ובתה         
Page 83  Mesectas Chullin  
"Selling two Animals, A Mother & A Daughter" 
An animal salesman  sells two animals to two different people. One animal is the mother and the other animal is the daughter, and he is aware of the Torah prohibition that one isn't allowed to slaughter both on the same day..... 
Does he have an obligation to inform each of the customers that they had better be in touch with each other so as to make sure that they don't slaughter the animals on the same day!

The halacha dictates that he doesn't have to be concerned that these two different people will slaughter their animals on the same day ...
However, if one of the customers did  inform him that he has intentions to slaughter the animal on a certain day, he has to inform the other customer not to slaughter his animal on that day!

"דף פ''ד "הלכות דרך ארץ         
Page 84  Mesectas Chullin  
"Halachois of Daily Living" 
The Torah in Sefer Va'Yikrah in reference to the Mitzvah of "covering the blood" states:

ואיש איש מבני ישראל ומן הגר הגר 
 בתוכם אשר יצוד ציד חיה או עוף אשר יאכל ושפך את דמו וכסהו בעפר

"Any man of the children of Israel and of the proselyte who dwells among them who will trap a beast or bird that may be eaten, he shall pour out its blood and cover it with earth" 

Now we know that anyone who slaughters a bird or any animal considered a "chayeh," an undomesticated animal such as a dear or a wild ram, is required to "cover" its blood....

So why does the Torah emphasize the fact that he  "Trapped" the animal? 
The rule to cover the blood is required even if he didn't "trap" the animal, the rule would apply even if he raised the animal or bird ?

The Torah wants to teach us a lesson in life with this verse.
One shouldn't get used to living the "high" life......
A person is far better off  living within his means ....
Just like in the old days, when a hunter didn't have meat on a regular basis, he only had meat when he had the opportunity to chance about an animal that he could capture or trap, so too a person should make sure not to eat meat or live the "high" life on a daily basis lest he become impoverished! 

"דף פ''ה "כיסו הדם          
Page 85  Mesectas Chullin  
"Covering the Blood" 

The Mitzvah of כיסו הדם, "covering the blood" is applicable only if he ritually slaughters the bird or the undomesticated kosher animal.
If he shot the bird or the animal, or if he ran over it with his vehicle and they got killed, there is no Mitzvah or obligation to cover the blood.

"דף פ''ו "זכות הצדיקים          
Page 86  Mesectas Chullin  
"The Merit of the Righteous" 
The Talmud on this page relates that the flax of Reb Chiyah got infested with worms, so he went to seek advice from Reb Yehuda Ha'Nasie on what to do.

The Talmud is at a loss on why this would happen to such a great sage like Reb Chiyah....

Why .... we know that when Reb Chiyah and his children made Aliyah from Bavel ....great wonders occured in Eretz Yisrael in his merit!

All earthquakes and hurricanes ceased, wine would no longer turn bad, and flax would no longer get wormy.... all this in the merit of the great Reb Chiyah....
So how did it come to pass that Reb Chiyah's own flax turned wormy?

The Talmud explains that its true that the righteous shield the generation from catastrophic occurrences, however the righteous themselves are not protected, because Hashem wants them to get eternal reward and not lose any benefits on account of benefiting from this world that is temporary!

"דף פ'ז "לחטוף מצוה          
Page 87  Mesectas Chullin  
"Swiping Someone Else's Mitzvah" 
A person just slaughtered a chicken and turns around to get earth to do the Mitzvah of "covering the blood," and as he is about to grab the earth, someone else grabs it and quickly covers the blood of the chicken, the person who slaughtered the chicken now feels awful that he didn't get the opportunity to do the Mitzvah of "covering the blood."

This incident actually occurred during the lifetime of Rabban Gamliel.
Rabban Gamliel ordered the guy who grabbed the
Mitzvah of "covering the blood," to pay the guy who slaughtered the chicken, 10 golden coins.

"דף פ'ח "מצות כיסוי הדם בעפר          
Page 88  Mesectas Chullin  
"Covering the Blood Must Be Done With Earth" 
The Mitzvah of covering the blood of a bird or an undomesticated animal that was ritually slaughtered, cannot be fulfilled with stones or wood, it must be done with earth.

It can also be done with lime, fine sand, rocks that were grounded, and sawdust....  all these are considered "ofar" "earth."

Therefore one cannot cover the blood with metal grindings, copper or any other metal....since these are not considered "earth."

There is an interesting halacha brought down in a Brieseh on our daf...

A person goes to a place where there isn't any available earth, and he needs to slaughter a chicken.... what should he do?

The Brieseh advises him to grind a golden dinar coin, and cover the blood with the grindings...

Didn't we just learn that "metals are not earth?"
The answer is:
In Tanach, gold is nicknamed "earth."
A verse in Job states:
ועפרות זהב לו
"gold earth is his"

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