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Thursday, August 2, 2018

Zionist Bus Company Returns Lost NIS 43,000 to Beit Shemesh Resident

A resident of Beit Shemesh lost an envelope containing NIS 43,000 on his bus ride, which he intended to deposit in his parents’ bank account. With the assistance of the Egged company, the envelope was located and passed back to him.
Meir traveled from home to Jerusalem on the Egged 418 line with the envelope with the money he planned to lend to his parents to help them renovate their home. But on the way to the bank branch he discovered that the envelope was gone.

In a conversation with Ynet, Meir said that “the envelope with the cash was in my pocket and I thought I might have forgotten it at home, but I called home and my family told me it was not there. I realized I had lost it on the way. I phoned the Egged number and they told me to come to the lost and found in the Jerusalem Central Bus Station.”
Needless to say, Meir hurried to the central bus station where the office began to conduct an inquiry with the drivers to help find the precious loss. One of the managers called the driver of an outside company, Psagot Transportation, which was used to provide Egged with additional buses on that day, and in search of his bus, the envelope was found, and the money was returned to Meir.
“I had no words then and I do not have now,” Meir said. “The driver saw this on the chair and brought the envelope to the station, and I thank everyone in the company and hope that they will continue to do only acts of kindness.”
The Egged spokesman said in response that “public bus service drivers are required to demonstrate integrity and loyalty to the bus customers and to behave exactly like the bus driver of Psagot did, which operates the 418 line for Egged, when he reported and immediately transferred the envelope with the large amount of money, placing it in the loss and found unit in Jerusalem. We applaud the driver and convey our appreciation and gratitude to his managers at Psagot, which provides its services to Egged along this route.”

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