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Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Serious Car Accident In Northern Israel Leaves Chareidi Family With Critical Injuries

A head on collision in the northern Golan Heights took place in Israel on Tuesday between a van that a Chareidi family was traveling in and a U.N. Jeep. Six members of the Charedi family were injured and two women in the U.N. jeep were injured as well. Among the family, two children were seriously injured, the parents and two other children were moderately injured. The women in the jeep were lightly injured.
The accident took place on Highway 978 near Moshav Sha’al. United Hatzalah volunteers together with Magen David Adom paramedics and medical staff from the IDF treated the eight injured people at the scene.
An MDA helicopter evacuated the seriously injured 14-year-old boy and the moderately injued 5-year-old boy who both suffered severe head trauma to Rambam Medical Center in Haifa. The 14-year-old was sedated and hooked up to a breathing machine. He was set to undergo a CT scan shortly after the accident occurred.
The rest of the family was transported by ambulance to the Ziv Medical Center in Tzefat. The other children ranged in age from 1-year-old to 15-years old. A representative from the medical center said that all of the patients will undergo full examinations to determine whether or not they need CT scans.
The women who were injured in the U.N. jeep, both foreigners, were also transported to Ziv Medical Center where they are being treated for their injuries.
Please say Tehillim for Chana Devora bas Miriam; Yehuda ben Miriam; Henya bas Miriam; Rivka bas Miriam.

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