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Wednesday, September 27, 2023

Poland seeks extradition of WW2 Nazi honored in Canada and Praised by Zelensky


Poland's Education Minister, Przemysław Czarnek, has initiated efforts to extradite Yaroslav Hunka, a 98-year-old Ukrainian Canadian, who was recently honored in the Canadian Parliament for his service during World War II. The controversy arose when it was revealed that Hunka had served in the Nazi SS Galizien formation during the war.

Zelensky Honors *LITERAL NAZI* As Hero with Standing Ovation


Sunday, September 24, 2023

ADL Jonathan Greenblatt .... Do Teshuva and Resign NOW!!!

Two and a half days before Yom Kippur, a jumbotron advertisement on a truck outside the Anti-Defamation League’s offices in New York urged Jonathan Greenblatt, the ADL CEO and national director, to heed the theme of the High Holiday.

“It is time to repent and resign,” stated the ad, sponsored by the Jewish Leadership Project. “ADL CEO must go.”

Avi Goldwasser, co-founder of the JLP, told JNS that the nonprofit began using truck ads, which it contracts out, in the past year.

“It’s much easier than getting people to protest and make big signs,” he told JNS. “The truck moves around, so you get to educate more people.”

Goldwasser said that JLP recently dispatched a truck at Princeton University, which was covered in the student newspaper. And it is sending a truck to the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia, where a “Palestine Writes” literary event from Sept. 22-24 is featuring several antisemitic speakers.

JLP ad campaigns have also targeted Eric Fingerhut, president and CEO of the Jewish Federations of North America, and the Jewish Community Relations Council of Greater Boston, he said.

“They get a lot of attention,” he said. “We like trucks.”

The aim, according to Goldwasser, is to get a response from the leaders of organizations that the ads target. “Yom Kippur is coming. It’s a big chance, Jonathan,” he said to Greenblatt, repeating the text of the ad: “Repent and resign.”

Goldwasser has no delusions that he and his colleagues have the power to get Jewish leaders to resign.

“It’s sort of the drip method,” he said. “You keep pounding. At some point, if he has any honor, if he has any shame, he may reconsider how helpful he is to the Jewish community, if he has any integrity.”

Kol Nidrei With Yitzhak Perlman and Helfgot


Friday, September 22, 2023

Zera Shimshon Parshas Ha'azinu Yom Kippur


Justice Department Going after Dems that don't toe the line and indict New Jersey Sen. Menendez and His Wife


DIN: We have a president sitting in the White House, who is a crook, a lying thief, and Menendez gets indicted. This is a message to all who oppose the deep state.

U.S. Sen. Bob Menendez of New Jersey and his wife have been indicted on charges of bribery.

Federal prosecutors on Friday announced the charges against the 69-year-old Democrat nearly six years after an earlier criminal case against him ended with a deadlocked jury. The latest indictment is unrelated to the earlier charges that alleged Menendez accepted lavish gifts to pressure government officials on behalf of a Florida doctor.

The Senate Historical Office says Menendez appears to be the first sitting senator in U.S. history to have been indicted on two unrelated criminal allegations. Menendez faces reelection next year in a bid to extend his three-decade career in Washington, and as Democrats hold a narrow majority in the Senate.

Lawyers for Menendez and his wife haven’t responded to messages seeking comment.

The first time Menendez was indicted, he had been accused of using his political influence to help a Florida eye doctor who had lavished him with gifts and campaign contributions. Menendez appears to be the first sitting senator in U.S. history to have been indicted on two unrelated criminal allegations, according to a list maintained by the Senate Historical Office.

The new charges follow a years long investigation that examined, among other things, the dealings of a New Jersey businessman — a friend of Menendez’s wife — who secured sole authorization from the Egyptian government to certify that meat imported into that country meets Islamic dietary requirements. Investigators also asked questions about the Menendez family’s interactions with a New Jersey developer.

Menendez faces re-election next year in a bid to extend his three-decade career in Washington, and as Democrats hold a narrow majority in the Senate.

Thursday, September 21, 2023

53 Former Agunot Celebrate a New Year of Freedom


At first glance, anyone entering the Jerusalem event hall last week might have thought they stumbled upon another festive event or a toast for the New Year. But it didn’t take long to realize that this was not just another party; it was a special celebration of freedom for 53 former agunot who had been trapped in their marriages by their recalcitrant husbands and were now liberated, thanks to the efforts of the Yad La’isha Legal Aid Center for Agunot. The gathering marked their beginning of the New Year as free women.

“I’m not really a party person, it’s not my thing,” said Gilat from Ma’ale Adumim. “But at this party, I find myself shedding all my burdens and feeling completely liberated because there’s nothing like the joy shared by women who have finally gained their freedom after a long struggle. "Among the celebrants was S., freed this year after a six-year struggle as an aguna. S, who married relatively young, suffered severe physical abuse by her husband from the very beginning. She was afraid to leave, but after their young son, who was late to start speaking, cried out “Mommy!” during one of her husband’s violent episodes, “It horrified me that my child’s first word in life was a cry of fear and terror, and that led me to the realization that I had to leave,” she recalled.

Even after their separation, S’s husband continued to wield violence against her, both physically and through threats. Progress was made when a social worker referred her to Yad La’isha, part of the Ohr Torah Stone network of educational institutions and social programs, which provides specially trained advocates and social workers dedicated to releasing and empowering victims of get abuse through four branches across Israel.

“Fortune favored her,” said S’s Yad La’isha advocate Dina Raichik. “Her state-appointed social worker took part in one of our lectures on get-refusal and thought that maybe, after so many years, we would be able to help her. To our delight, S can now begin this new year as a free woman, looking forward to building her future – and that of her children,” Raichik says.

Six years have passed since 53-year-old Gilat was freed by Yad La’isha, after five years of being a “chained woman” due to her husband’s refusal to grant her a get. Gilat sees the importance of continuing to celebrate the joy of women who have been released and, as important, continuing to support those who are still trapped. “Unfortunately, there are still many women waiting, and some of them joined us to celebrate and rejoice for those who finally received their get. We pray that they, too, will receive their freedom this year or at least by the next ‘get-celebration’,” she noted.

“It’s hard to put into words the excitement I feel when I see these courageous women celebrating their triumph in a battle for what so many of us take for granted – the right to autonomy and freedom,” said Pnina Omer, director of Yad La’isha. “There are women here from all walks of Israeli society – secular and religious, young and old, from the upper and lower class – all of them found themselves involuntarily united under the same label: ‘agunot.’ In the end, this problem doesn’t discriminate by gender or population group; any one of us could be the next to enter this unfortunate statistic. We are here today to celebrate the freedom of those women who were released, and to stand alongside those who continue to fight their battles.”

“It is deeply inspiring and encouraging to bear witness to the women who have suffered for so long to be able to come together and celebrate the new year and their newfound freedom,” noted Rabbi Dr. Kenneth Brander, President and Rosh HaYeshiva of Ohr Torah Stone. “The plight of agunot trapped in abusive or dead marriages is one of the most pressing challenges of the Jewish world. Our Yad La’isha advocates will continue for as long as necessary to encourage preventative prenuptial agreements and push forward with their creative thinking and exceptional expertise to release as many women as possible. Part of our prayers this holiday season should be focused on the hope that many more trapped women will be able to break the chains of abusive relationships that entrap them and be given the gift of new lives of happiness and freedom.”

Ignorant, pathetic Merrick Garland wilts on the hot seat before Congress


You would think that an attorney general who has presided over the embarrassing debacle of the Hunter Biden investigation would express contrition, or maybe a little anger at the underlings who have shamed him, when he is hauled before a congressional committee to explain his failures. 

But alas, Merrick Garland is just another Mr. Magoo.

His department is ablaze but he knows nothing.

The nation’s chief law enforcement officer has no special insight into the malfeasance unfolding under his nose. 

He is just an oblivious bystander, unperturbed by the tyrannical turn the DOJ has taken under his leadership, persecuting his boss’s political enemies and coddling the crooked president’s crooked relatives.

Even though Garland used to be a judge, he makes no judgments at all.

He professes to have no view about US Attorney David Weiss’ farcical five-year “investigation” of the president’s 53-year-old son Hunter. 

“I promised the Senate that I would not interfere,” he told the House Judiciary Committee on Wednesday.

“I have not intruded or attempted to evaluate that, because that was the promise I made to the Senate.” What an honorable man, keeping his promises.

But he’s the ship’s captain. There is a fire in the hold, the vessel is going down, and he doesn’t even trouble himself to find out what happened.

“Have you had personal contact with anyone at FBI headquarters about the Hunter Biden investigation?” asked Rep. Mike Johnson (R-La.).

Watch Neturei Karta Embrace, Kiss and Hug the Iranian Murderer Raisi at the UN


Members of Neturei Karta, an extreme anti-Zionist ultra-Orthodox Jewish sect, met with Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly today.

"We found that throughout the history of the Islamic Republic of Iran, they respected and protected the Jewish community till today and you're only distinguishing that Zionism has nothing to do with the religion and the occupation is unacceptable,” said the Neturei Karta members who met with Raisi.

Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Dangerous Interpretations of the Torah Remain the Work of Satan, No Matter How Large the Kippah on those who advocate them.


Nobody told me there’d be days like these… Strange days, indeed.  Most peculiar, Mama!

In his classic play The Trial of G-d, Elie Wiesel argues that the defense of G-d may at times be the work of Satan.

 A clear example of this erupted in the last week, when God’s self-proclaimed defenders asserted, in the service of a physically dangerous and theologically dubious philosophy, that the Chumash’s own words are heresy.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu warned Israeli pilgrims to stay away from Uman this year because of the continuing war in Ukraine.

 Echoing Ukrainian President Volodymr Zelensky, Netanyahu explained that there are not enough shelters in Uman for the local population, and certainly not for the tens of thousands of Jews who travel there annually for Rosh Hashanah.

 But most “damning” was his assertion that “G-d has not always protected us, not on European soil and not on Ukrainian  soil.” 

This is not an opinion; it is a fact. 

Six million Jews died in Europe during the Shoah, and countless others in pogroms in Ukraine and elsewhere in earlier centuries. Whether or not this fits neatly into theological boxes is irrelevant; it is historical reality and cannot be denied. Sadly, these were times when G-d did not protect us.

As it happens, synagogues around the world read about this exact possibility just days ago in the weekly Torah portion:

 “I will display anger against them on that day, and abandon them, and hide My face from them, and they will be devoured, and many evils and troubles will come upon them…” (Devarim 31:17)

It is impossible to fully understand when and why G-d hides His face; while the Chumash explains that it is often a punishment for idolatry, the Talmud elaborates that the reality is more complex. Nevertheless, the fact that G-d is often hidden - and sometimes frightfully hidden - is an historical certainty anticipated by the Torah itself.

Like the Devil in Wiesel’s play, certain public religious figures and politicians immediately rushed to G-d’s defense, declaring Netanyahu’s words heretical, and claiming, against the words of the Chumash, that G-d has always protected the Jewish People. 

The editor of the Hebrew magazine Mishpacha tweeted,

 “When the ‘head of the camp of the faithful’ opens his mouth with words of serious heresy - and all in an official statement from the Prime Minister's Office - the entire theory of sweet Israel collapses like a tower of cards. In a place where there is desecration of the divine Name and rude and impudent speech toward G-d - we don’t give Bibi any respect.”

 United Torah Judaism MK Yisrael Eichler went further, asserting that the Holocaust was caused by the “Zionists,” not by G-d’s hiddenness, and saying that Netanyahu was ignorant. Sadly, these are not lone voices; many other supposedly religious individuals made similar claims. 

Let’s not forget that Netanyahu was not discussing abstract theology, but dissuading people from going to a country which is currently at war with an unpredictable Russia. 

The United States State Department issued a travel advisory that begins, simply and in bold letters, Do not travel to Ukraine due to Russia’s war against Ukraine. 

In echoing this warning, the Prime Minister was following the strict Torah requirement to do whatever is necessary to save lives. I do not approve of much of Netanyahu’s program, but in this particular instance he was right, and advocated an approach in line with Torah Judaism.

When a secular Prime Minister who does not observe Shabbat or keep Kosher supports following the Torah requirement of “You shall live by them” (Vayikra 18:5) and repeats the theology of divine hiddenness that we publicly read days ago, while those who claim to represent a religious worldview argue that words of Torah are absolute heresy… When religious journalists and politicians state that the book of Deuteronomy and history’s clear verdict are not authoritative, and instead advocate a shallow theology that violates Torah norms and thought and puts people’s lives in danger… 

We have begun to learn that merely claiming allegiance to the Torah has little or nothing to do with actually following G-d’s word. It has little or nothing to do with representing an authentically religious viewpoint. It has little or nothing to do with being a true servant of G-d. Superficial theology and dangerous interpretations of the Torah remain the work of Elie Wiesel’s Devil, no matter how large the kippah on those who advocate them.

Strange days, indeed

by Scott Kahan 

Mk Eichler's Perfidy .. That Lying Scoundrel!

Quite a chutzpah for MK Eichler to say that the Holocaust was caused by the Zionists.

 Eichler is associated with the Belz Chassidic sect;
 as Lawrence Kaplan wrote in the epilogue to his well known article, "Daas Torah: A Modern Conception of Rabbinic Authority,"
 the Belzer Rebbe escaped Europe in 1944 "using immigration certificates reserved for veteran Zionists." 

Without getting into the very unfortunate and troubling details here, the Belzer Rebbe and his brother assured their remaining flock that while it appeared from current events that the Zionists were right, this was in fact a trial sent by G-d to test their faith. In fact, the Rebbe wasn't fleeing, because of fear, but only out of love for the Land of Israel. The Rebbe's brother, "with the approval and as the agent of his brother," assured those who remained that all would be well.

Less than four months later, mass deportations of Hungarian Jews began. Untold numbers were slaughtered by the Nazis.

Later, the official histories of Belz first omitted these words of the Rebbe's brother from their histories, and later changed the story outright, saying that the Rebbe had warned his flock to leave Europe, but they ignored him.

For MK Eichler to claim that the Holocaust was the fault of the Zionists, when his Rebbe's father (the Rebbe's brother) and uncle escaped using Zionist certificates, and - I say this with pain - left their people with false assurances of safety, is farcical.


"Kaporas" in China


Watch Hundreds of Children Singing in Uman


Israeli Ambassador to UN Waives a picture of an Iranian Lady Murdered by Iran Regime ... Gets Arrested by UN Personnel


United Nations security personnel on Tuesday detained Israel’s ambassador to the UN shortly after he left the General Assembly Hall to protest a speech by Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi.

It was not clear why he was being detained, though he was later released. Fox News Digital has reached out to the UN for comment.

Before storming out of the General Assembly Hall, Gilad Erdan held up a picture of Mahsa Amini, an Iranian woman who was brutally murdered last year by the country’s so-called morality police for not properly wearing her hijab.

Blowing the Shofar on Shabbos in Yerushlayim Coming Back

Rabbi Yisrael Ariel, head of the Temple Institute, spoke to Israel National News about the unusual situation of blowing a shofar at the Temple Institute on Rosh Hashanah, which fell on Shabbat.

This was the fourth time that the Temple Institute has restored the custom of blowing shofar on Shabbat in a Beis Din, a custom reinstituted by Rabbi Akiva Yosef Schlesinger in 1906 and approved by Rabbi Shmuel Salant, the Aderes and the Sdei Hemed, although extremist elements opposed Rav Schlesinger’s initiative. Rabbi Ariel recently published a 450-page book on blowing Shofar and taking the lulav on Shabbat, detailing the sources of the custom, which continued for over 1000 years after the destruction of the Beis Hamikdash, including in the Beis Din of the Rif in Fez, Morocco.

“There was great interest in participating in the observance of the mitzvah of blowing the shofar on Shabbat,” he said. “Families came from all over the country: from Tzfat, Bat Yam, Efrat, and also from the neighborhoods in Jerusalem. They also walked long distances to the Temple Institute to be part of the blowing of the shofar,” says Rabbi Ariel.

Ordinarily, rabbinic law prohibits blowing the shofar on Shabbat to prevent violations of Shabbat through the carrying of the shofar to synagogue. This restriction did not apply to the ceremony at the Temple Institute, as a Beis Din was convened to allow the blowing of the shofar, as detailed in the gemara.

According to him, “The prayer, in which about a hundred people participated, consisted of all shades of the spectrum – Sephardim, Ashkenazim, religious Zionists and haredim. Great scholars from the Mir Yeshiva also came with them, and a discussion of the sources about the methods in Babylon and Jerusalem developed. In the end, they wanted to glorify the mitzvah and the members of the Mir Yeshiva used the order of shofar blowing described by Rashi. Rabbis from Mea Shearim, who usually do not participate with religious Zionists in events, also came. Among those present was a very young boy, Malachi, of Bar Mitzvah age, but well-versed in all aspects of this issue. He came from afar, very excited, and brought his father and mother.”

Rabbi Ariel tells about the blasts themselves. “There was a meeting of the Beit Din, the Rabbinical court, because the blasts should take place during such a meeting. At the time of the shofar-blowing, there were seven members of the Beit Din who sat there and explained to the public the halachic aspects of the blast and then began sounding the shofar. The ruling states that the Beit Din determines that this is Rosh Hashanah – God leaves the Beit Din in heaven and abides by the ruling of the one on earth. That’s why after the tribunal announced ‘The new month is sanctified!’ three times, the whole audience replied, ‘It is sanctified!” and began blowing the shofar themselves.”

The prayer was held at the Temple Institute in the ‘Chamber of Hewn Stone’ hall, a name used in the Temple itself, where there are about 71 chairs. “The rest stood. It was truly a historic event. This is the fourth time we have held this event. We started in 2007, and continued in 2007 and 2018, and now one more time. In the past, we were a limited public and now there was greater interest. I wrote a book about this called Shofar and Lulav on Shabbat, a book that resonated to such an extent that there were also several localities where discussions were held on whether to renew the practices.”

To conclude, Rabbi Ariel says that a minyan was also held near the institute where they blew on Shabbat. “There was another minyan in the quarter of Lithuanians who also renewed the mitzvah. Two minyanim in the Jewish quarter blew the shofar on Shabbat.”

Tuesday, September 19, 2023

Monsey Home Raided and find 31 migrants living in one-family ‘flophouse’ on 295 New Hempstead Road


DIN: I sure hope that this home is not owned by "unzereh" 

Officials in Rockland County, New York took legal action Monday to shut down a so-called “migrant flophouse” where 31 asylum seekers were crammed into a suburban one-family home.

The migrants — hailing from Ecuador and Guatemala — were discovered following a surprise inspection at the house located at 295 New Hempstead Road in the tiny hamlet of New City in Clarkstown.

“In essence, it was a migrant flophouse,” said Clarkstown Supervisor George Hoehmann.

“We knew something was amiss. What we saw was so bad. This was by far the worst flophouse we’ve seen.”

Hoehman fumed that the migrant crisis had spun out of control and the number of migrants living in the home was “unacceptable.”

“We are not going to let this happen in Clarkstown,” Hoehmann said.

The town supervisor warned suburbanites that the migrant crisis “is coming to a local town near you.”

Clarkstown keeps a list of homeowners who rent out their properties and said the owner listed was Shleima Koppel.

Hoehmann said Koppel had been cited for violations in the past and had ignored recent town inquiries.

A local judge approved a warrant to inspect the premises.

Pictures taken showed mattresses strewn throughout the house, in the basement and garage.

“Our investigation thus far has determined that this is an organized effort that has brought these illegal immigrants and migrants to Clarkstown. This is a national security crisis and a humanitarian crisis,” Hoehmann said.

Congressman Michael Lawyer (R-Rockland) and Rockland County Executive Ed Day blamed the migrant crisis on President Biden’s failure to secure the border and New York’s pro-sanctuary policies of taking in asylum seekers, which they described as people entering the country illegally.

During a press conference, Lawler also took a shot at New York’s most powerful Democratic lawmaker in Congress, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer.

“Chuck Schumer needs to get off his behind and do something,” Lawler said.

He also said Mayor Eric Adams should be “held accountable” if he was behind transporting the migrants to Clarkstown.

“We are still determining how these individuals arrived in Clarkstown, and whether or not they were part of a clandestine effort by Mayor Adams to subvert the will of Rockland County and prior judicial decisions,” Lawler said. 

“The restraining order filed today by Supervisor Hoehmann is an important step in putting a stop to this, and we are continuing to pursue all courses of action in order to resolve this matter.”

Rockland Executive Ed Day called on state Attorney General Letitia James to launch an investigation into the human trafficking of migrants in New York City.

“There is no way this happens without money,” the Republican county leader said.

“This is a crisis. The southern border must be closed for a period of time  until we find common sense solutions.”

Schumer recently defended his record in dealing with the migrant crisis.

“The record is very clear that I have been working at the highest levels, delivering funds for New York and am still fighting for more,” Schumer, the 72-year-old Senate majority leader from New York, said in a statement to The Post last week.

“I’ve publicly pushed the administration to accelerate and expand work authorization so that immigrants can support themselves and have repeatedly communicated this to the White House as recent as this past week,” the Democrat added.

City Hall said the Adams Administration is not involved with busing migrants to Rockland, noting that ongoing litigation prevents them from doing so.

“We had nothing to do with the asylum seekers ending up there,” an Adams spokesperson said.

Black Ex-Gang Member Who Terrorized the hood Becomes a Chareidie


Chareidim Now Joining the Mossad and Shin Bet


The Mossad spy agency and Shin Bet internal security service will begin to take in Haredi volunteers as part of a new national service program.

The Mossad and Shin Bet will begin the program by each taking in 100 Haredi yeshiva students who are over the age of 21, after they undergo professional training.

The enlistees will serve for two years and the program will be financed by the Intelligence Ministry and National Service Authority.

Arab mother Whose Child Was Murdered by Gaza Rocket Fires Tells Arab MK: Take my son's photo out of your post


MK Ahmad Tibi (Hadash-Ta'al) published photos which he claimed were photos of children and infants hit by IDF fire - but included a photo of Ido Avigal, a five-year-old Israeli killed by Gaza rocket fire in 2021.

Shani Avigal, Ido's mother, was shocked to see her dead son's face among the photos.

"Hey Ahmad, what's up, do you hear me?" she wrote on X, formerly Twitter. "It's totally fine to take all sorts of kids, put them in one photo, and tell the world that the IDF killed them, but is there a chance that you could take the photo of my child off there? I am pretty sure Hamas killed him, and injured my daughter, and my nephews, and myself. But I'm not a kid, so whatever. Ah, yeah. They fired at a home!"

Deputy Minister Michal Woldiger (Religious Zionism) responded: "Ahmad Tibi, you are still a member of the Israeli Knesset. This is too much! To publicize a photo of Ido Avigal, may G-d avenge his blood, who was killed by a rocket launched by Hamas towards his home, and to present him as if he was killed by the IDF?! And in general - you know very well that the IDF is the most ethical army in the world. To you the goal justifies the means, including twisting information and using children, even in their deaths. Shame on you!"

Journalist Yehuda Shlesinger wrote: "This morning as well, it is important to correct the damage and remind: The IDF does not blow up homes with children." Tibi responded to his tweet by posting three photos of children and infants and writing cynically, "Other than the times it does."

Letter Shows What we all Suspected that Pope Pius Xii Had Detailed Information About Nazi Crimes


Newly discovered correspondence suggests that World War II-era Pope Pius XII had detailed information from a trusted German Jesuit that up to 6,000 Jews and Poles were being gassed each day in German-occupied Poland. The documentation undercuts the Holy See’s argument that it couldn’t verify diplomatic reports of Nazi atrocities to denounce them.

The documentation from the Vatican archives, published this weekend in Italian daily Corriere della Sera, is likely to further fuel the debate about Pius’ legacy and his now-stalled beatification campaign. Historians have long been divided about Pius’ record, with supporters insisting he used quiet diplomacy to save Jewish lives while critics say he remained silent as the Holocaust raged.