Coverage of meeting with incoming US Ambassador to Israel, Mike Huckabee and Rav Dovid Hofstedter
Thank God that Mike Huckabee was having none of that and told Hofsteder off telling him politely that US cannot get involved in internal Israeli affairs!
But the sheer chutzpah!
Reb Dovid with his fancy English dressing up his outright perfidy with niceties! He fooled no one!
Approaching the incoming US Ambassador to Israel, a Christian Evangelicist, no less, to undermine the Israeli Democratic process!
First with his sneaky introduction to the subject "admitting" that a country needs an army to protect its citizens, but then veers into his agenda that he doesn't want Chareidim to be in the process! R' Dovid wants only Chilonim to "moiser nefesh" for the country!
I cannot get over this! Totally disappointed in R' Dovid!
?האחיכם יבוא למלחמה ואתם ישבו פה
You think YOU get it? Even the rasha merusha Pharoah let shevet Levi learn
They were learning? We are all waiting with bated breath... What were they learning?
Read the medrish and you will see why Shevet Levi didn't work, had nothing to do with their NON "learning!!
To Yoishev Oihalim
I am a Levi and I have a direct Mesorah that my ancestors in Mitzrayim were learning R' Chaim Brisker Toraelich, if it was a "cheftzeh" or maybe a "gavreh"
This entire war was orchestrated by the leftist that want Bibi out at all costs. They should all be put on trial for treason, murder etc. and executed. They are all part of the "deep-state".
Shtait in seforim the Leviyim were learning. What Medrash are you talking about?
How about a little honesty, DIN? Are you also going to deny that Yankev Avinu was a yeshiva mann?
Huckabee was mechaven to Brisker Rov that the anteh-Semitten hate Yidden as an extension of hating HKBH.
DIN, ken zein there are smarter, more successful people than you who have a better handle on the situation. You have the nerve to call R' Dovid Hofstedter a mechutzef? What about Sheldon Adelson who became a major supporter of Ponivizh which has been continued by his almonnoh?
The Leviiem were only exempt from wars of conquest such as the 7 Cannaite nations but were not excluded from defensive wars! They fought with Dovid, with Shlomo and all subsequent kings!
To Adam ki yomus baOhel
Yaakov Aveenu is my prime example of a "yeshiva maan" going to war!
ןויירא יעקב מאד ויצר לו
see Rashi:
"וייצר לו" אם יהרוג הוא אחרים
והיה המחנה הנשאר לפליטה
see Rashi:
על כרכו, כי אלחם עמו
התקין עצמו לשלשה דברים לדורן לתפילה ולמלחמה
He didn't sit down to learn!
Ben Tayreh
I also support Torah, in fact I am most of the day in shul learning!
Please don't compare the chutzpinak Hoffsteder to Adelson! Hoffsteder went to undermine the Israeli government in a sneaky way. What he did is no different to what the Neturei Karta do, they also try to convince goyim that the Zionists are different then other Jews!
This is a Chutzpah "shein kooiha" to talk to a the incoming US ambassador to Israel to manipulate and put pressure on the duly elected government!
Isn't he from Canada? Why didn't he ever try to set up a meeting with the antisemitic Canadian Government to convince to let go of their hate towards Israel?
As I keep saying Charidiem are out of touch with most of Klall Yisrael and this is not going to end well!
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