מדה כנגד מדה
Rabbi Avraham Katz, the son-in-law of the previous Tosher Rabbe z"l, and a multi-millionaire, has a habit of issuing Heter Meah Rabbanim, to husbands that want out of marriages without any financial responsibilities leaving unfortunate women as Agunas, in chains!
The above video shows him in chains after he tried sneaking out of the Jewish Country!
The Zionist rabbis are cracking down on these shenanigan rabbis that flaunt Halacha and issue Heter Meah Rabbanim to men without any repercussions allowing them to marry other women while leaving their wives to remain agunas with impunity!
במקום חילול השם אין חולקים כבוד לרב
It's time to list the rabbis that sign these fraudulent "heteirim" and expose these money grubbing cowards!
Now let's see... does the get refuser love his rav more than his hate for his wife!
they don't flaunt, they flout.
I'm sure he flaunts also
Oh come on! How many Heter Meahs did he do already? If he was as prolific as you make it sound, the screaming banshees led by Flatbush Gargoyle & ORA Pipsqueaks with the Bullhorns would’ve made sure everyone heard about him
If he only did only one it's enough to have him in house arrest
They just started going after the rabbanim and that they should have done along time ago before it got out of hand. In Israel the lady has to be permanently institutionalized before they issue a Heter Meah!
Who told you it should be that way?!
But soon Israel will understand the hard way, the chasidish Jews are to ask Trump to stop giving ammunition and warfare to Israel unless they release the tzadik.
You are absolutely correct. Chassidim are רשעים and don't care if other Jews are murdered as long as the Tzaddik goes free. They are all into chesed when there are sick around.
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