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Thursday, July 25, 2024

Daf Yomi for Women with Rabbanit Michelle Farber - Hadran



Garnel Ironheart said...

Probably better content than the series that blonde chick made a few years ago.

Anonymous said...

Very sad

Let’s admit it said...

Im sure you are posting this as a mockery to This silly woman kudos to you
Reversing men’s and woman’s roles was one of the wickedness of the Egyptians (see commentaries on the words “Avodas
Perach” a woman who thinks her role is to learn and teach Gemara is surely lacking in other areas of her true roles and responsibility in life. This whole woman’s Gemara thing has nothing to do with Judaism, it all about woman’s rights
And ‘why can’t I do that if men can’t then
Why can woman bear children if men
can’t ? It’s a slippery slope even if one tries to find a rabbi or two that says it’s ok

Femineest said...

Is she married to the sick nudnik Dr. Seth Farber who is the big corrupter of kedushas Am Yisroel with his crazed binge to onboard "gerim" who aren't mekabel mitzvos?