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Tuesday, May 7, 2024

No One Came to Save Us No One! So Now We Have a State and a Jewish Army To Defend Us



Anonymous said...

I really beg to differ. I'm no Satmar or the like, but to say Never Again is pure kochi v'oitzem yodi and denying that we answer to a Higher Authority.

HaShem showed us what happens when He hides even for a moment on Oct 7th. All the fancy equipment, the latest technology, the smartest army, the best of everything the State of Israel has to offer, did ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!

Reb DIN, you are a frum yid. Do you really believe this stuff? I know it makes a nice video and you get the chills watching it, but, come on??

Dusiznies said...

Satmar, Skver etc all use the term "kochi v'oitzem yodi" on their accomplishments, Hashem is hardly mentioned at all.
For example, "the rebbe established the city New Skver, the rebbe established Kiryat Yoel" "the rebbe did this the rebbe did that" etc. The rebbe revived yiddishkeit in America... so you see that Hashem according to the tzaddikim played no roll in anything!

In 1967 the Satmar Rebbe z"l wrote in his then-published "Al Hagilah V'al Hatmurah" that the "Israeli Army won the 6 day war because they had a great army" and he adds that this had nothing to do with Hashem! So he the Satmar Rebbe himself states that the army was in fact ""kochi v'oitzem yodi"" and then a few pages later (LOL) he says that the IDF are apikorsim when they say ""kochi v'oitzem yodi"....

Let me ask you a question, you sound like a reasonable guy.
Who saved Moshe Rabbeinu from the Nile??? Hashem of course, right? But you won't find in the entire Tanach that Hashem saved him from the Nile, it says that it was the daughter of Paro that saved him.
Of course we all maminim bnei maminim believe that Hashem orchestrates everything but that is not how people talk or even think!
Now I'll tell you something about Hashem that Satmar and YOU yourself don't believe. You don't believe that Hashem built the State of Israel as a haven for his children, you absolutely don't believe that. You and Satmar actually believe that the Zionists built it!
So why are you surprised that the Zionists say what you and Satmar believe in your hearts that ""kochi v'oitzem yodi"? Why are you allowed to believe that the Zionists on their own built the State of Israel and that Hashem c"v had no hand in it, yet you don't want the Zionists to say that exact thing?

Now let me explain to you ... a big lesson.
The fact that Hashem made it so that the IDF with their technology would not be able to do anything on October 7, was not a lesson for the Zionists at all!
It was a lesson to the Satmar and the likes of people like you in Chutz Le'aretz.
If this had occurred anywhere else in the world, for example in England c"v, then the entire world would have backed the Jews and there would have been massive protests AGAINST Hamas, since the Jews would not have been able to defend themselves, they would have been a bunch of sitting ducks, without any hope of taking revenge and punishing the perpetrators.
Hashem orchestrated this tragedy IN Israel, knowing full well, that Israel would recover and immediately destroy their enemies and defend her citizens, and that, that, would bring out all the true antisemites, because Goyim don't want to see Jews defending themselves. The message that Hashem sent you and the rest of the Chutznikers was.... "You see You are no longer safe anywhere in the world" I built you guys a beautiful country in 1948, a country run by Jews whose doors are open to all, yet you guys are satisfied in the tumidike lands, building beautiful homes and mosdois. Hashem says Your mosidois will turn into churches like in Brownsville, East New York, Bronx, Crown Heights... Come to Israel because I will make sure that you are hated all over the place and there won't be a place to hide. That's why this tragedy had to have happened the way it did!
You have an apikorshe view of what happened on October 7 .
But soon, very soon, sooner than you think will run from the country you live in and where will you run?
To The Zionist State of Israel that Hashem established in 1948, that same year that Avraham Aveenu was born 1948 BCE.

Anonymous said...

But is Hashem on our side? Better yet, are we on His side?

Dusiznies said...

6:51 Part II
So why did it happen in the South?? Take a seat because this will come as a shock!
The people in Kibbutz Be'eri were leftists, far leftists, they like Satmar would not fly the Israeli Flag! They like Satmar have no connection to the State of Israel, they wouldn't even allow a soldier in uniform on their kibbutz, did you know that? Their gate was open 24/7 because they felt that they could live with them in peace.
The Satmar Newsletter DER GOY, also writes and repeats the brazen lie every week that Jews and Arabs could live together if not for the Zionists! (Satmar though, would not allow any Arabs in KJ, not even other Jews if their wives don't pluck all the hair from their heads) The Rambam 900 years ago wrote about the murderous Arabs, 800 years before Zionists.
Hashem as you write Who is in charge, arranged that this tragedy should take place dafka in a place where they didn't appreciate Israel being a Jewish State a place that like the Satmar mentality, believed that Arabs can be reasoned with, can be lived with together in harmony. Hashem in one fell swoop gave a message to the leftists that Arabs are savages and hate Jews worse than Eisav and at the same time gave a message to chutlinikers that You are no longer safe anywhere. The antisemites came out from under the rocks like roaches, and you should listen to their message, they are no longer talking about Zionists, they are talking about Jews in general.
Wake up from your slumber because all this is not going away, it is going to get a lot worse. If the above clip "gave you the chills" but you learned nothing and ask me if "I believe this stuff" then you are totally disconnected from what is happening!

Yosef said...

I'd rather live in the US which is very safe despite a few crazies chanting on college campuses than in Israel which is a war zone and is in immediate danger all day every day.

And shut up about the meraglim. If you can't see the difference, between Hashem then saying I'll protect you and today Hashem saying don't dare got there or I will allow you to be killed, then I can't help you

Israel should be given back to the united nations and all Jews come live in the US. It's nice, safe, and prosperous.

Anonymous said...

Forget about the meraglim, my two brothers and my grandparents from both sides and their family said the exact same thing that you just said before they were rounded up and gassed but not before they were tortured
This "Yosef Dog" wants the UN to manage Israel? LOL
Everything the UN Does is a disaster. These Yosefs are a bunch of dumb dogs!

Zako said...

To Yosef 2:28AM

"Israel should be given back to the united nations" ?? Back ?? Has Israel belonged to the UN ever before ?? Did the UN ever own even one country anywhere on this planet ??

And if you believe that the US is "nice, safe, and prosperous", so keep in mind that tens of millions of people (not just Jews) from various countries throughout Europe, not so long ago, also thought that their places were "nice, safe, and prosperous". And then it took just one criminal political ideology and a just couple of weeks to turn these "nice, safe, and prosperous" cities into total chaos and hell.
Even some Yiden who served and fought in their respective armies during WW1 thought they were protected by their special status... Oh no, they were taken by force to the camps and gased just like anyone else.
So be Gezunt & please stop talking nonsense.