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Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Airlines Now throwing Jews off their flights....


Two Yeshiva Bochurim, Reuvi Scheinerman, 17, and Yehudah Roffman, 21, were removed from an American Airlines flight this Sunday, May 5th, without explanation, and their families are now accusing American Airlines of having engaged in overt antisemitic discrimination.

 Reuvi was flying from Cleveland to Hartford, Connecticut, to return to his yeshiva in Naugatuck after Pesach break. Yehudah, meanwhile, was heading to his yeshiva in Far Rockaway. Both were dressed in visible yeshiva attire, including a white dress shirt, suit jacket, and black hat.

Prior to the flight, Yehuda noticed a dent in the plane’s tail and, concerned, mentioned it to the flight attendants and pilot. His concerns were brushed off. Minutes later, the gate agent ordered him off the plane. Reuvi, who had no interaction with the crew or Yehudah, was also removed, without explanation.

The plane departed and the Bochurim were informed that they were thrown off the flight. When they asked why, they were told, “You know what you did.” Both Bochurim were baffled – they had done nothing!

When Reuvi asked if it was anti-Semitism, the gate agent said the pilot had requested his removal and he has to comply. The gate agent threatened to blacklist them permanently from American Airlines, but later retracted his statement.

The Bochurim, uninterested in getting on a another flight, were then driven by one of their father’s through the night to their Yeshivos, bringing the incident to a conclusion.

The families of the affected Bochurim have not yet indicated whether they intend to file a lawsuit against the airline.

American Airlines has not commented on the matter.


FYI said...

This sensationalist YWN account is lacking some important details. Dan's Deals has more on it.

Professor Ryesky said...
