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Monday, March 4, 2024

Uh Oh!! ..Lieberman Looking to Strip Draft Dodgers of Daycare Subsidies


MK Avigdor Liberman, chairman of the Yisrael Beytenu party, will propose a bill under which yeshiva students who did not serve in the IDF not be allowed to leave Israel.

According to Liberman, the bill would "regulate in law the obligation for military or civilian service for every youth upon reaching the age of 18: Jewish, Muslim, Christian, Druze, and Circassian."

Under such a law, an 18-year-old who has not enlisted in military or civilian service will be subject to a number of sanctions: He will not be allowed to leave Israel; he will not receive the standard citizen's tax credit; he will not be eligible for benefits deriving from residence in an area of national priority; and he will not be eligible for property tax discounts.

Such an individual's children would also not be eligible for government daycare subsidies, nor would he be eligible for academic support in institutions of higher education, eligible to work at a government or local government job, or eligible for the "Mechir Lemishktaken" discounted housing program.

This is not the first time Liberman has attempted to cut daycare subsides for haredim.

In July 2021, then-Finance Minister Avigdor Liberman Liberman (Yisrael Beytenu) announced that his office would changing the eligibility criteria for daycare subsidies, allocating government funding only to families in which the mother's partner works at least 24 hours (half time) each week, instead of allocating subsidies based only on the mother's work hours. Though yeshiva students would no longer be eligible for subsidies, higher education students would be.

The matter sparked outrage among citizens and lawmakers alike, and in January 2022, Israel's Supreme Court ordered that the planned cut to daycare stipends for certain religious families be delayed until the next school year.


Garnel Ironheart said...

It's a good compromise.
You don't want to serve. Fine, don't serve. But we're not going to give you benefit like for those who serve.

Yudel Shain said...

Why are the Chareidim treated different than Arabs?

Arabs don't serve in the IDF, they get all benefits, no police brutality, etc.

Dusiznies said...
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Anonymous said...

Yudel Shain
I have lived in the State of Israel for over 60 years, and was in many hafganas I have never ever been beaten by Police. I marched with Rav Amrom Blau z"L we were treated by the police with the utmost respect. When you act like an animal you get treated like an animal. The Mishtara are human too and if provoked they will retaliate.

Uriah’s Wife said...

Put a large VAT tax on Shtreimels, black hats and 1/4 inch deniere ladies pantyhose . That’ll get their attention.

Anonymous said...

Maskim. Lieberman is a sonai yisroel