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Wednesday, October 4, 2023

Salaries of the CEO and Drivers of the Chevra Kadisha of Rishon Le'Zion



Garnel Ironheart said...

And to think I do it for free.

Anonymous said...

I wouldn't do it for a million dollars a day! Kol Hakovod to all misaskim im niftorim in whatever capacity. Don't know how they sleep at night! A guten Moed and may the be retired by Moshiach NOW

Anonymous said...

All over the world there are funeral homes and people whose job it is to work with the deceased. Tens of thousands, probably.

Anonymous said...

Who needs to work in Hi-Tech if you can get a great salary working for chevra kadisha?

Oh, it requires major proteczia

Anonymous said...

Who needs to work in Hi-Tech if you can get a great salary working for chevra kadisha?

Oh, it requires major proteczia