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Wednesday, October 4, 2023

Sadigere Rebbe of London doing His Lulav "shuckling"


נענועי האדמו"ר מסדיגורא לונדון

 I am just wondering, would the rebbe shuckel this way if he wasn't a rebbe, if he was just a regular Joe!


Garnel Ironheart said...

Shuckling is dependent on whether you have a job to get to after davening or if you have all morning to sit around the beis medrash.

Anonymous said...

On Friday shachris will finish just before shkiya

Anonymous said...

Reasonable comment on the wrong story. As Jews we try not to work chol hamoed

Anonymous said...

Quite impressive. He has to be in pretty good shape to do that. You're looking at many hours of preparation, flexibility, balance, and strength training. Personal trainer as well, most likely.

Anonymous said...

Sadeger lost all its credibility with the last Rebbe's Tzava'ah.
The youngest son turned into a un-mensch kicking out his own mother from her longstanding apartment.