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Wednesday, October 18, 2023

Israeli Official Thanks Chareidie Community For All Their Help during the war " Chareidim are not parasites" "Thank you for every Daf in Gemarrah that you learn"


Wow! What a speech! This is the most incredible articulate speech I have heard in a very long time. 

Sorry guys, do not have the time to translate the speech in English, but you get the gist. 

If any reader wants to translate be my guest and I will post it here! 


Anonymous said...

Who is this?

Anonymous said...

this is not from now, it's pretty old.

Akiva Eiger said...

Yes "it's pretty old" like less than a week

Anonymous said...

It’s more than a week old. It was from the time of blame the charedim campaign a few months ago.

Dr Phil Esquire said...

I just love you guys. DIN puts out a beautiful post, so guys who cannot "fargin" try to put a damper on the entire post, "it's old" "its more than a week old" etc. etc.
I got news for you guys
The Torah is also old!

Anonymous said...

It’s about six months old. This woman is an accomplished attorney. Grew up in a frum B’nei Brak family. Veered to the left, but has returned mostly to her family’s roots and beliefs. Beautifully articulated passionate speech.