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Sunday, October 22, 2023

Haaretz journalist cries, denounces Israeli conduct against Gaza


"I keep myself from crying in these terrible days, not much, but sometimes I cry when certain people talk about their grandfathers, Holocaust survivors," she began.

She also said in tears: "I also want to represent my dead parents who are Holocaust survivors and ask how the world stands by and does nothing to stop this terrible massacre."

"Nothing can justify what Israel, what my tax money is causing right now. I don't know if my tax money is behind the missiles that killed one of my best, beloved friends in Gaza."


Joe Magdeburger said...

Lord Haw Haw, aka William Joyce,was an Englishman who broadcast propaganda from Berlin for Nazi Germany. He was tried and executed for treason.. How is this any different?

Anonymous said...

You shouldn't have friends in Gaza. They aren't your friends.

Anonymous said...

How sad to have
friends that would kill her at their first chance

Anonymous said...

deport her there

Anonymous said...

Deep down, (and like many people who are descended from holocaust survivors), she is motivated by fear. she thinks by betraying Israel and being a "good" Jew, she will be saved...well on oct. 7th, hamas killed and kidnaped liberal peace activists...but her betrayal wont save her, or the host of democracy now, amy goodman, another otd self hating jew who panders to the goyim.

she should read up on the Nuremberg laws, and then ask mechila from her holocaust survivor parents for embarrassing them in their graves.

let her live in gaza or iran and well see how fast her opinions of making peace with arabs will change...

Anonymous said...

same,in every generation
how can we rid ourselves finally of these

jack said...

Hope and pray this filthy TREASONOUS Jewish KAPO bitch, get's her throat slashed by one of her murderous terrorist boyfriends.
The same goes for those filthy rabies-infected sewer rats calling themselves Neturei Karta