A agunah of 18 years, reduced to begging the Israeli government to stop the burial of her in laws so she can be free.
This Monday July 25- Jerusalem
If you are in Israel, please join us as we demand that the Israeli Supreme Court force Rav Yitzchak Yosef to uphold the cherem placed on Meir Kin's family for his refusal to grant Lonna a divorce for 18 years.
Lonna (Kin) Ralbag, is an Aguna of over 18 years, whose "husband" Meir Kin refuses to give her a Get despite being married to another woman on a heter 100 Rabbanim by a sham rabbinic court.
The Rabbinical Council of California has excommunicated Meir Kin and his family for their support of his actions- this includes Jewish burial.
Lonna has a petition with the Israeli Supreme Court to prevent the burial of Meir or his relatives in Israel (his father is in his nineties) until Meir gives the Get.
Rav. Yitzchak Yosef - the Sephardi Chief Rabbi is the only impediment to this ban going into affect.
Lonna's case will be heard this Monday, July 25th at 9:00 at the Supreme Court, Room 3. We are asking as many people as possible to come and show the court that we want agunot to be heard and recognized and supported by any means possible.
Please let us know if you can join us https://forms.gle/vRiTJvoeF2XUfmST
He has made a view videos on this matter and has made some valid points. Sometimes and this may not be one of those times there is another side to the story. I do not know her side.
She's gantz hot.
This menuval made "new videos?" He is still alive? He needs to shove these videos up where the sun doesn't shine!
May all his teeth fall out save one, and that one should shred his gums.
What an emotional post and comments....
She deserves freedom
Is there any way we could show support from America? Maybe we could arrange some type of virtual protest and you could broadcast it when you go to court. Please advise
Since when can you punish a third-party for someone’s else’s action.
So why doesn’t he just give her a get?
He has a very easy decision just to give the get after 18 years of hell, and no one gets punished. it's a win win
Why did Eichmann ym"s round up the Jews to gas them?
Dr Jay
Besides for the fact that I can refute every word he said, this "Kin" case is different, since he remarried, and it's been 18 years, the rabbi does not discuss this case.
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