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Monday, April 4, 2022

Now We know why Moshiach isn't coming.. it's because people are NOT eating Kitniyois



Mighty Garnel Ironheart said...

Here's the thing - if you can't live 8 days without corn, rice and peanut butter, you really are spoiled.

Frum but normaL said...

This guy needs a job, it's obvious he is bored out of his mind.
Wow never knew, that Judaism's biggest problem is that some of us can't eat Kitniyos for seven days. LOL

Uriah’s Wife said...

This is awful. Some frumme Yidden are breaching Hashem's Instructions and Halacha by eating kitniyot and some are not. So some Yidden are going to burn in Hell and some not for doing exactly the same thing. What a religion !