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Friday, February 4, 2022

Ami Magazines' Lev Tahor Cult Run To Iraq and other Countries then complain that are not being treated well


The reason I am calling the Lev Tahor cult "The Ami Cult" because Ami's editor and publisher Yitzy Frankfurter sincerely believes that this dangerous cult is just another Chassidise Chassidus! Just 3 years ago, Ami featured this cult and its late leader Helbrans on the cover and dedicated about 10 pages glorifying these crazed animals.

At any rate the Ami Cult keeps running from country to country because as the local authorities find out that they are abusing their children they crack down on them. There are now 3 leaders of these crazed fanatics sitting in US jails facing charges of kidnapping, torture and abuse.

Recently just hours before the Guatemalian government were going in to deport them, they disappeared and fled to Bosnia and Iraq presumingly on the way to Iran. 

This is all being financed by Satmar Chassidim, though Satmar denies it. Why would Satmar finance this? Because just like the Iranian Mullas finance terror all over the world to destroy Israel and it's allies, Satmar that daven three times a day that Israel should G-d forbid eliminated also finance any group that is anti-Israel.

 The Satmar Rebbe of Monroe also encouraged his dopes to write letters to congressmen in support of then President Hussain Obama who fought for the Iran Deal. The Iran Deal was also supported by Fat Nadler and his employee Ezra Friedlander. 

So back to the story:

Now that Bosnia is throwing them the hell out, a group of brain-washed women invited reporters into their home to give their side of the story.

 They complained that the worst treatment were from the Iraqis. Interesting these are the Iraqis that Satmar claims were always good to the Jews until the Zionists established the State of Israel. This re-writing of history is repeated by even the Litvishe Oilim brainwashed by Satmar propaganda. Why would Iraqis throw out their Jews because Zionists established a State? If they got along and everything was honkey dory for thousands of years why would they care if some OTHER Jews established a State. The answer is obvious, they hate Jews like goyim always do and this was just a great excuse to deport them. 

Chaya one of the ones interviewed tells the shiksa reporter that her husband is in Jail in the US awaiting trial for kidnapping, 

"“He is still awaiting trial, he has no right to bail, as if it is a danger to the community, for the United States, he has been there for 2.5 years, without good reason, he didn’t commit any crime, he only helped save the child from his mother and her friends who abused him.”

According to this maniac, it's ok to kidnap a child to" save him from his mother" 

So if its ok, then why isn't it ok for the Bosnian government to kidnap her mamzeirim, to save them from their mother?"

Following the report that Bosnian authorities are deporting 24 members of the Lev Tahor cult who had taken residence in the capital city of Sarajevo, cult members took the unusual step of allowing local media reporters into their residence.

After a long period of time during which cult members refrained from allowing photographers into their compound and shying away from interviews, on Wednesday, local Bosnian news outlet N1 interviewed and photographed the cult members.

N1 wrote: “Afterseveral rejections, the N1 team was received by members of Lev Tahor at their temporary home in Istocna Ilidza. Two members, Esther and Chayeh, spoke about their way of life, raising children but also about numerous accusations against their community. This group of 37 should leave Bosnia and Herzegovina soon, and they do not want to reveal their next destination, because they claim that they are constantly persecuted because they are different.also about numerous accusations against their community. This group of 37 should leave Bosnia and Herzegovina soon, and they do not want to reveal their next destination, because they claim that they are constantly persecuted because they are different.

Esther told N1 that she was born into Lev Tahor and isn’t interested in knowing about other ways of life. She said that the Lev Tahor members were happy in Canada but then the social services “knocked on their doors.”

“They came, they came, they came, trying to make us send our children to their public schools,” she said. “But we know that’s not the way we want to raise them. It is not written that way in our holy book, to learn various things like that man came from an animal, from a monkey. I will not allow my children to learn such things.”

“They came, they came, they came, trying to make us send our children to their public schools,” she said. “But we know that’s not the way we want to raise them. It is not written that way in our holy book, to learn various things like that man came from an animal, from a monkey. I will not allow my children to learn such things.”

Chaya, originally from Belgium, joined Lev Tahor when she was 24. She admitted to N1 that her husband is in the US awaiting trial on charges of kidnapping but claimed it was a misunderstanding based on a family conflict.

“He is still awaiting trial, he has no right to bail, as if it is a danger to the community, for the United States, he has been there for 2.5 years, without good reason, he didn’t commit any crime, he only helped save the child from his mother and her friends who abused him.”

The woman told N1 that now they are persecuted wherever they go but their worst experience was in the Kurdistan area of Iraq, where they were interrogated for days due to the numerous accusations against their community.

“We tried to get in touch with the Red Cross, human rights organizations, but they took away our phones, kept us trapped with very little food, just enough to survive, without beds, showers, clothes to change,” Chaya said. “When they let us go, the children already had fungus on their feet for the first time in their lives. On Saturday afternoon they carried us to the airport, holding our arms and legs, taking our children from our arms, and today the children live in fear, they talk about it, my daughter hurt her arm because she clung to me.”

The reporter ended the article by describing some details about the cult members’ living space. “The men pray in the house next door. Apart from tables and chairs, we did not notice any other furniture. The children are playing with commercial toys, and the women have prepared food for us, and what is known in Bosnia as Kljukusa – a traditional Bosnian dish made of grated potatoes combined with flour, oil, eggs, finely chopped onion and spices.”


Garnel Ironheart said...

The Ami folks look at people who cover the hair of 3 year old girls because they think it's too sexual and say "Pssshh, such sensitivity to kedusha"
The rest of us look at those people and think "Paedophiles"

פן said...

אתה אנטישמי