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Sunday, January 9, 2022

Who is Rabbi David Rosenthal that is Harrassing a Married Woman?



Yaacov David Shulman said...

All I can see is that she is making statements he finds obnoxious and he goes on Facebook and objects to them. Do we know that he is "violent" etc. from any source other than her open letter? She obviously has an axe to grind with chareidi Jews. Is she exploiting the present atmosphere to present herself as a "victim"?

New Jersian Chusid said...

Yaacov Shulman
She is a Chareidie herself.
We are not going to wait until he becomes "violent" we are going to call him out now! He has been blocked but he manages to somehow change his identity to harass her.
Being the subject of harassment on Social Media makes her iin fact a "victim"
He is a rabbi and should go back to his back he shouldn't be on the internet. It seems that DIN was able to smell a rat. Kol Hakovod!

Yaacov David Shulman said...

She may call herself chareidi but as you may see she is not a friend of chareidim. So any time someone is opinionated and leaves social media messages opposing someone else's views, you think that we must suspect that he's liable to become violent. So all of those women who expressed their opposition to Rebbetzin Heller's post on her Facebook page--let's throw them in jail too!

Voice of reason said...

Hannah is no victim, she fights with whoever she is able to, she's gotta learn that sometimes others might be nastier then herself

Anonymous said...

Sick how Rabbi Feldman ends off the letter to not heed his own statement that molesters are bad. Listen instead to corrupt rabbis who say the opposite. Sounds like Feldman doesn't believe his own words.

It's part of a pattern. Feldman's son in law Smellymelech Kornfeld is a notorious molester advocate.

Feldman himself refused to name his Monsey molester talmid Phil "shmiras ainayim" Rosenthal when he issued an absurd letter "condemning" him. How then is anyone supposed to protect themselves from philandering Phil?

Bulvan and friends said...

Rosenthal has been having public fights on social media with anti-Semites like the owner of Rise Up Ocean County. Some of the disputes have moved into the courtroom.

Whoa, hold your horses said...

Reb DIN - Your headline is misleading. Lebovits is playing victim here to distract from the substance of the disputation.

As it says in אבות א:א, הוו מתונים בדין, be deliberate in DIN.

Rosenthal IIRC is a BT with strong feelings on the matter, so he reacts strongly. It is a sad situation. But do not fall for the narrative that it is stam "harrassment" of a woman. It is stam contentious disputation.

Imagine that Lebovits was a man, but the issues were the same. Would you also object? Put aside gender here, it is a red herring.

Anonymous said...

Lebovits is far from Charedi. They moved to Texas, and keep an orthodox kosher home, nothing more. They have an open marriage for years, but she likes calling herself charedi when she gets attention and tell the world that she's a doctor.